Unforgettable trip!
por Lynn Osborne
Salida en December 2021
Región: Una real aventura antártica
Destinos: Península Antártica, Islas Malvinas, Islas Georgias del Sur
Barco: El Plancius
Destacados: Raquetas de nieve, Pingüino emperador, Lobo fino antartico, Pingüino de Adelia, Charrán artico, Martinete común, Pingüino barbijo, Foca cangrejera, Anade juarjual, Elefante marino del sur, Rorcual común, Pingüino juanito, Yubarta, Orca, Pingüino rey, Foca leopardo, Pingüino macarrones, Pingüino magallánico, Rorcual aliblanco, Pingüino saltarrocas, Albatros errante, Foca de Weddell, Albatros ojeroso, Petrel níveo, Abanto marino, Cormorán antártico, Albatros cabecigrís, Albatros tiznado, Petrel damero, Petrel azulado, Pato petrel, Págalo polar, Paíño de Wilson, Agachadiza magallánica, Dormilona carinegra, Observación de aves
This was an amazing trip, my first to Antarctica and something I'll remember forever. The wildlife sightings from deck, the zodiacs and on the land were just brilliant and much more than I was ever expecting. The ship was comfortable and spacious with nice facilites such as the coffee machine on tap! All of its crew were so helpful, patient and friendly throughout. The Expedition team, led by Martin and Pippa were also very friendly, and so well organised, knowledgeable and full of enthusiasm, they really made the trip special. Thanks everyone, from someone who never wanted to go on a cruise before, ( due to fear of sea sickness and formal dinners) I will definitely consider one to the Arctic with Oceanwide in the future. Thank you so much.
¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
Deje su propia reseña20 feb. - 14 mar., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS29-25
Este crucero a las islas Malvinas, Georgias del Sur y Península Antártica es el sueño de los amantes del animales hecho realidad. Las expedición explora una de las últimas regiones indómitas sobre la Tierra – una tierra de bellos paisajes escarpados...
de: 10000 USD
9 mar. - 23 mar., 2025
•Código del viaje: PLA31-25
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de: 7700 USD
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•Código del viaje: OTL31-25
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de: 4700 USD
14 mar. - 15 abr., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS30C25
The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.
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