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PLA29-25, trip log, Antarctica - Basecamp - free camping, kayaking, snowshoe/hiking,
The fog adding to the suspense and mystery of this incredible place. It wasn’t too bad though and we managed to see our first whales, Humpba

La belleza de inspirar a los demás: entrevista con la guía de expediciones Charlotte
Nos sentamos con la guía de expedición Charlotte Taplin, que nos contó su alegría por trabajar en las regiones polares y la importancia de s

HDS28-25, trip log, Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
After a short hike through the most unique landscape we climbed a little hill where a breathtaking view over the estimated 150’000 breeding

Oceanwide Expeditions establece un nuevo récord mundial en el mar de Weddell
El M/V Ortelius alcanzó el punto más meridional jamás registrado por un buque de pasaje no rompehielos en el Mar de Weddell a 78°03.471'S.

PLA28-25, trip log, Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage
As we board, we meet the rest of the group, who are preparing for an entirely different challenge—the polar plunge.

La misión de una expedición antártica para restaurar un edificio histórico
El éxito de la restauración del hangar produjo un profundo sentimiento de satisfacción al verlo devuelto a su estado original.

OTL29-25, trip log, Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage
The cacophony of penguin calls and the sight of fluffy chicks being fed by their parents provided a fascinating glimpse into the life of the

PLA27-25, trip log, Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
We landed on another stunning sandy beach riddled with baby fur seals and king penguins.

Edificio histórico de Whalers Bay restaurado con éxito tras un incidente con graffiti
En colaboración con el UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT), Oceanwide Expeditions ha restaurado con éxito un hangar de aeronaves histórico e

OTL28-25, trip log, Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage + navigational worksho
Everywhere we looked, there were huge icebergs scattered across the water. It was like being in a completely different world.

HDS27-25, trip log, Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage
The red group set out on a Zodiac cruise, skimming across the icy waters, marvelling at the untouched beauty of the landscape.

HDS26-25, trip log, Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
We woke up today with Hondius anchored in Fortuna Bay, home to another king penguin colony.

OTL27-25, trip log, Antarctica - Basecamp - free camping, kayaking, snowshoe/hiking,
The gentoo penguins waddled around, while some of the chicks huddled close to their parents for warmth.

De Stonington a las islas Orcadas del Sur: El legado de Nathaniel Palmer
Nathanial Brown Palmer, también conocido como "Capitán Nat", fue un cazador de focas, ballenero, diseñador de barcos y explorador estadounid

Nuestra guía para avistar ballenas antárticas en un crucero de expedición
Las aguas de la Antártida, ricas en nutrientes, son uno de los mejores lugares del planeta para la observación de ballenas.

¡Todos a bordo del expreso de los pingüinos! Las autopistas de los pingüinos de la An
Todas las especies de pingüinos se limitan a un lento contoneo y a breves ráfagas de velocidad a lo largo de sus autopistas.

PLA26-25, trip log, Antarctica - Discovery and learning voyage
A perfect sunny day to remember, especially when a noisy rookery of Chinstrap penguins welcomed us at the top.

OTL26-25, trip log, Antarctica - Basecamp - free camping, kayaking, snowshoe/hiking,
The scenery alone was enough to leave us in awe, but our enjoyment was further enhanced by the many humpback whales, particularly a close sw

HDS25-25, trip log, Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
The king penguins are famous for being glamorous, photogenic, and prone to attracting attention wherever they go.

Hasta el fin del mundo: entrevista con Gabi Kolodko
Hablamos con Gabi Kolodko, Guía de Expediciones de Oceanwide Expeditions, durante un reciente viaje a Scoresby Sund, Groenlandia.

PLA25-25, trip log, Antarctica - Basecamp - free camping, kayaking, snowshoe/hiking,
The first day of the year began with a day in Antarctica – what a great way to start!

OTL25-25, trip log, Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica
Shortly after delicious buffet lunch, our ship approached Shag Rocks, a group of six islets located about 150 miles west of the mainland of