This was a dream trip for me and the wildlife, scenery, and remote stark beauty did not disappoint. The Expedition leader and guides were incredible! They shared so freely their great gifts of knowledge and respect for the earth and beings of it. Eduardo, you are the bomb. Thank you, Regis, Koen, Ilke, Helene, Koen, Michael, Tom! I most enjoyed that I felt so fully immersed in the magical, pristine, awe-inspiring places of Antarctica and the remote southern ocean islands we visited. The wildlife was fantastic, the penguin breeding colony numbers staggering, the seabirds so cool. The other birders I met on the trip were so nice and what fun seeing what new would show up each day. We were also lucky to have very good weather! This was a hugely expensive venture for me but it was a once in a lifetime trip, not to be missed. If you do this trip, go with few expectations, an open mind and heart, and just be in it. I like getting lost in a good book, but this was the real deal for 3 weeks. I am changed, upgraded, in the best ways.

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