Weather and Whether
durch Ray Leone
Abreise in October 2022
durch Ray Leone
Abreise in October 2022
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel, Südliche Shetlandinseln, Südgeorgien
Schiff: MS Ortelius
Aktivitäten: Antarktischer Seebär, Adeliepinguin, Nachtreiher, Kehlstreifpinguin, Südlicher See-Elefant, Finnwal, Eselspinguin, Königspinguin, Magellanpinguin, Felsenpinguin, Wanderalbatros, Weddellrobbe, Kapsturmvogel, Walvögel, Kormorane, Falklandkarakara, Weißgesicht-Scheidenschnabel
Our expedition was one with challenges from beginning to end with those being primarily high seas and wind. Then too there some passengers who didn't seem to read the fine print that they weren't traveling on Carnival Cruise Line and that the Southern Ocean is a wild place. The Oceanwide staff from Day 1 was not just professional, they were personable. They made lemonade so often out of the lemons sent us by Mother Nature, that the trip that could have been a disaster remained an adventure with more seen that one would have expected under the conditions. Their presentations were extremely well done and informative so to complement the journey well. The logs of our trip that they sent us was Amazing! Thanks! They dealt with folks who should have been thrown overboard with professional response and never showed outwardly that those people bothered them. The Hotel staff was extremely attentive and learned our names and preferences early- and none of us wore name tags as they did. The ship's crew did a great job from Captain Ermesto on down in rough sea conditions, and it was appreciated how they were so accommodating up on the bridge with questions and visitors. Thank you Oceanwide!
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