Südliche Shetlandinseln

Kreuzfahrt durch die spektakuläre Bellow Neptun in das Geheimnis der nebelverhangenen Insel “Deception Island“.

Der Archipel besteht aus 11 Haupt- und mehreren kleineren Inseln. Sie sind recht gebirgig und zu mehr als 80% vergletschert. Die Inseln sind vulkanischen Ursprungs. Obwohl die Inseln vermutlich bereits zuvor entdeckt wurden, geht die erste gesicherte Sichtung der Inseln auf den britischen Seemann William Smith zurück, dessen Schiff 1819 bei der Umrundung von Kap Hoorn vom Kurs abkam. Wenig später besuchten Robbenjäger die Inseln auf der Suche nach Pelzrobben.

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Reisen zu den Südlichen Shetlandinseln

Weddellmeer - Auf der Suche nach dem Kaiserpinguin (inkl. Hubschrauber)
Bis zu $2750 Rabatt

Weddellmeer - Auf der Suche nach dem Kaiserpinguin (inkl. Hubschrauber)

Auf der Suche nach den schwer zu findenden Kaiserpinguinen

OTL23-24 Eine echte Expedition, unsere Weddellmeer-Reise, mit dem Ziel die Kaiserpinguine in der Nähe von Snow-Hill-Island zu beobachten. Wir werden die Gegend mit dem Helikopter aufsuchen und auf diesem Weg auch eine Vielzahl anderer Vögel und weitere Pinguinarten...

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


20 Nov - 30 Nov, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

11050 USD

Weddellmeer - Auf der Suche nach dem Kaiserpinguin (inkl. Hubschrauber)
Bis zu $2400 Rabatt

Weddellmeer - Auf der Suche nach dem Kaiserpinguin (inkl. Hubschrauber)

Auf der Suche nach den schwer zu findenden Kaiserpinguinen

OTL22-24 Eine echte Expedition, unsere Weddellmeer-Reise, mit dem Ziel die Kaiserpinguine in der Nähe von Snow-Hill-Island zu beobachten. Wir werden die Gegend mit dem Helikopter aufsuchen und auf diesem Weg auch eine Vielzahl anderer Vögel und weitere Pinguinarten...

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


10 Nov - 20 Nov, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

9700 USD

Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise + Navigationsworkshop
Kostenloses Kajakfahren und Tauchen

Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise + Navigationsworkshop

Klassische Antarktis einschließlich Deception-Island

OTL24-24 Diese Reise zur Antarktischen Halbinsel und den Süd-Shetland-Inseln bringt Sie in eine Landschaft aus dunklem, schroffen Fels; reinem weißen Schnee und einer fantastischen Vielfalt an Tieren. Begrüßen Sie Wale, Robben und Tausende von Pinguinen.

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


30 Nov - 10 Dez, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

auf Anfrage

Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise

Klassische Antarktis einschließlich Deception-Island

PLA26-25 Diese Reise zur Antarktischen Halbinsel und den Süd-Shetland-Inseln bringt Sie in eine Landschaft aus dunklem, schroffen Fels; reinem weißen Schnee und einer fantastischen Vielfalt an Tieren. Begrüßen Sie Wale, Robben und Tausende von Pinguinen.

m/v Plancius

MS Plancius


6 Jan - 16 Jan, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

10700 USD

Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise + Navigationsworkshop
Kostenloses Kajakfahren

Antarktis - Entdeckungs- und Lernreise + Navigationsworkshop

Klassische Antarktis einschließlich Deception-Island

OTL28-25 Diese Reise zur Antarktischen Halbinsel und den Süd-Shetland-Inseln bringt Sie in eine Landschaft aus dunklem, schroffen Fels; reinem weißen Schnee und einer fantastischen Vielfalt an Tieren. Begrüßen Sie Wale, Robben und Tausende von Pinguinen.

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


22 Jan - 1 Feb, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

8650 USD


Latest blog and customer story


Adding Antarctica to Your Seven-Continents Bucket List

It’s a common pursuit among serious travelers to visit all seven continents. And indeed, the term “bucket list,” which became popular (if not overused) since the 2007 movie, fits naturally with this goal.

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Antarctica and My Old Friend, Ortelius: Passenger Story by Ann Lane

I was on the recent Antarctic trip on Ortelius, 16 Feb - 7 March. This has been my third expedition with Oceanwide, and I continue to be very impressed by the experiences.

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von Stella Ellis
From the first briefing when we were told that plan B was already in operation due to severe weather around the Falklands and S Georgia, taking a passenger to King George Island to be medevacked off the ship, then doing the whole trip in reverse, it was brilliant. The expedition crew certainly new their stuff, their English was excellent ( with one exception) and they certainly got us to every landing and zodiac cruise possible. Even backtracking around South Georgia and a full circumnavigation just to get us to all possible landings was fantastic. Another example - out last day in the Falklands and we were visiting New Island. The plan was North Beach in the morning and South Beach in the afternoon. As we approached North Beach the wind was far too strong for a landing so we didn't stop, and headed straight to South Beach. A great landing had by all and then as we had lunch we went back to North Beach - the wind was reasonable so we could land and had a great last afternoon before sailing back to The cabin stewards were thorough in their work and very friendly. All the crew on the boat were first class, especially getting us on and off the zodiacs. Food fab!
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von Edward Harris
Thanks to Oceanwide and its fantastic crew. We were able to do numerous dives and landings due to the experience of the leadership on board.
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von Lynn Benton
Our trip exceeded any expectations we could have imagined. The ship and all crew onboard were superb, the food was great and we had so many zodiac cruises and landings which enabled us to spend time with the wildlife in the natural environment. Bewertung lesen
von Jane Burridge
An amazing combination of flexible and inspired planning from the expedition team gave us exceptional weather conditions and a feast of wildlife, landscape and icescape... Unforgettable Bewertung lesen
von Franz Scherubl
Hard to imagine a better trip anywhere. The Expedition Staff were outstanding, the ship's crew were amazing, the food was very good. We were looked after in the best possible way from the time we stepped aboard to the morning we disembarked. Bewertung lesen
von Sybil Margaritis
The expedition team and entire crew were diligent to optimize opportunities around the weather so that not one Zodiac experience was cancelled, not only in spite of the fall weather but also with a medieval. Bewertung lesen


The South Shetland Islands follow Greenwich Mean Time +12 (GMT +12). This means that if it is 9:00 GMT +12 (9 a.m.) during your trip to the South Shetland Islands, it would be the previous day at 17:00 (5 p.m.) in New York City, USA and 22:00 (10 p.m.) in London, U.K.. The South Shetland Islands officially have the same time as the Antarctic South Pole. During an expedition cruise to the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula, the ship will be using Argentinean time (GMT -3).  

The climate in this area is typically very cool and corresponds well with the rest of the northern Antarctic Peninsula.The average summer temperature only reaches 1.5 degrees Celsius (34.7 degrees Fahrenheit), and the typical winter temperature hovers around -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit).

Even in the summertime, the South Shetland Islands retain an ice and snow coverage of 80 percent. It is humid and often cloudy, and the sunniest days are typically accompanied by colder temperatures. Due to this, anyone who is taking a expedition cruise to the South Shetland Islands needs to bring the proper type of clothing with them. 

A visit to the South Shetland Islands will reveal a surprising amount of life for such a harsh environment. South Shetlands wildlife such as, seals, penguins and seabirds utilize the surrounding water as a feeding spot, and they can often be spotted from the cruise ship. On land, there are many examples of vegetation, including algae, lichens and mosses. This helps highlight the fact that life can find a way in even the most inhospitable places.  

The number of people living in the South Shetland Islands is extremely hard to say. Research stations may only have a skeleton crew - if any at all - during the winter. During the summer months it's booming with scientists and support crew. 

The South Shetland Islands are not under the control of any nation. Instead, the Antarctic Treaty enables all signatories to utilize the region for any non-military related purposes. This has led to 13 countries establishing research stations and field camps. Before the Antarctic Treaty was signed, the islands were claimed by the U.K., Argentina and Chile. 

The South Shetland Islands are volcanic, primarily mountainous and approximately 80 percent glaciated. A voyage to the South Shetland Islands will often provide visitors with the opportunity to see penguins and seals. Deception Island is always a highlight, and it is uninhabited aside from Spanish and Argentinean research bases. The glaciers and steep peak on the eastern side of the island provide a challenging environment for hiking. Kayaking is also an exciting way to explore Port Foster - the flooded caldera of Deception island.
