Südliche Orkneyinseln

Entdecken Sie die spektakuläre Landschaft und märchenhafte Atmosphäre der Süd-Orkney-Inseln. Ein Traum aller Naturfotografen!

Sie wurden zusammen mit den Südlichen Shetlandinseln von schottischen Robbenjägern, die die das Gebiet besuchten, nach den Inseln im Norden Schottlands benannt.

Die Inseln wurden erst im Jahre 1821 entdeckt, als sie von den britischen und amerikanischen Robbenjägern George Powell und Nathaniel Palmer gesichtet wurden. Die Inseln bestehen hauptsächlich aus Fels und Eis (zu 85% vergletschert) und besitzen nur wenig Vegetation. Argentinien und das Vereinigte Königreich besitzen Forschungsstationen auf den Inseln - die Orcadas-Station und die Signy-Station.

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Reisen zu den Südlichen Orkneyinseln

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel
Bis zu $4850 Rabatt

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel

Begegne mindestens sechs Pinguinarten

PLA20-24 Eine Kreuzfahrt zu den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der Antarktischen Halbinsel. Sehen Sie einige der schönsten Tierarten der Erde. Diese Reise wird Ihnen mindestens 6 Pinguinarten und eine ganze Menge antarktischer Robben näher bringen!

m/v Plancius

MS Plancius


18 Okt - 7 Nov, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

10000 USD

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel

Begegne mindestens sechs Pinguinarten

PLA24-24 Diese Reise zu den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der antarktischen Halbinsel ist ein wahr gewordener Traum für Tierliebhaber. Die Expedition erkundet eines der letzten ungezähmten Gebiete der Erde - ein Land mit wildromantischen Landschaften und einer...

m/v Plancius

MS Plancius


6 Dez - 25 Dez, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

16500 USD

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel

Begegne mindestens sechs Pinguinarten

OTL25-25 Diese Reise zu den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der antarktischen Halbinsel ist ein wahr gewordener Traum für Tierliebhaber. Die Expedition erkundet eines der letzten ungezähmten Gebiete der Erde - ein Land mit wildromantischen Landschaften und einer...

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


10 Dez - 29 Dez, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

13550 USD

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel

Begegne mindestens sechs Pinguinarten

HDS25-25 Diese Reise zu den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der antarktischen Halbinsel ist ein wahr gewordener Traum für Tierliebhaber. Die Expedition erkundet eines der letzten ungezähmten Gebiete der Erde - ein Land mit wildromantischen Landschaften und einer...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


17 Dez, 2024 - 4 Jan, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

14600 USD

Falkland-Inseln – Südgeorgien – Antarktische Halbinsel

Begegne mindestens sechs Pinguinarten

HDS26-25 Diese Reise zu den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der antarktischen Halbinsel ist ein wahr gewordener Traum für Tierliebhaber. Die Expedition erkundet eines der letzten ungezähmten Gebiete der Erde - ein Land mit wildromantischen Landschaften und einer...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


4 Jan - 22 Jan, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

15750 USD


Latest blog and customer story


11 South Orkney Animals: Whales, Seabirds, and Penguins Aplenty

The South Orkney Islands are frequently forgotten as an Antarctic travel option. But they shouldn’t be: Forming part of the Scotia Sea Islands tundra ecoregion, the South Orkneys are home to a healthy supply of wildlife despite their rough conditions.

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von Stella Ellis
From the first briefing when we were told that plan B was already in operation due to severe weather around the Falklands and S Georgia, taking a passenger to King George Island to be medevacked off the ship, then doing the whole trip in reverse, it was brilliant. The expedition crew certainly new their stuff, their English was excellent ( with one exception) and they certainly got us to every landing and zodiac cruise possible. Even backtracking around South Georgia and a full circumnavigation just to get us to all possible landings was fantastic. Another example - out last day in the Falklands and we were visiting New Island. The plan was North Beach in the morning and South Beach in the afternoon. As we approached North Beach the wind was far too strong for a landing so we didn't stop, and headed straight to South Beach. A great landing had by all and then as we had lunch we went back to North Beach - the wind was reasonable so we could land and had a great last afternoon before sailing back to The cabin stewards were thorough in their work and very friendly. All the crew on the boat were first class, especially getting us on and off the zodiacs. Food fab!
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von Edward Harris
Thanks to Oceanwide and its fantastic crew. We were able to do numerous dives and landings due to the experience of the leadership on board.
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von Seok Yee Chan
This trip exceeded all expectations in generous amounts. While not under our direct control, the choices made by the Expedition Leader Pippa and the Bridge worked out 110% well. No events were cancelled as we enjoyed calm waters and clear skies. All the expected wildlife were seen by us in ample opportunities. Food on board Hondius surpassed our needs. Talks were also informative and helpful. The team deserves a great applause and appreciation. Bewertung lesen
von Ernesto Diaz-Ordaz
Safety, food, lectures and wine prices were outstanding.
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von Jane Burridge
An amazing combination of flexible and inspired planning from the expedition team gave us exceptional weather conditions and a feast of wildlife, landscape and icescape... Unforgettable Bewertung lesen
von Franz Scherubl
Hard to imagine a better trip anywhere. The Expedition Staff were outstanding, the ship's crew were amazing, the food was very good. We were looked after in the best possible way from the time we stepped aboard to the morning we disembarked. Bewertung lesen


The climate in the South Orkney Islands is typically windy, wet and cold. Summer lasts from December to March, and individuals who participate in an expedition cruise to the South Orkney Islands can expect an average temperature of 3.5 degrees Celsius (38.3 degrees Fahrenheit).

The South Orkney Islands are mostly inaccessible from late April to November due to the nearby water being ice-covered during this time period. The average winter temperature in July drops to -12.8 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit).

Bird enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to the South Orkney Islands because of the prevalence of penguins and seabirds. It is common to spot Gentoo, Adelie and Chinstrap penguins, and you may also see Snow petrels, Pintado petrels, Kelp gulls, Sheathbills, Antarctic shags, terns and skuas. The surrounding waters will also be home to many seals – especially Antarctic fur seal in the later summer season.  

The South Orkney Islands are part of the Antarctic Treaty System, which means that they are not technically owned by any country. However, Argentina and the U.K. have both made claims upon these islands in the past. This region was first discovered by British and American sealers in 1821, and the first weather station was established in the South Orkney Islands in 1903 by the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. The station was later taken over by the Argentineans (Orcadas Station) and is now the place of the longest running scientific station in the Antarctic.   

Coronation Island has the region’s highest point with Mount Nivea, which is located on Sunshine Glacier and stands 1,265 meters (4,050 feet) tall. This combined with the high percentage of glaciation and diverse mixture of seabirds and penguins helps make the South Orkney Islands an attractive destination for explorers and adventurers who are seeking a once in a lifetime experience. The area around the islands is often littered with massive icebergs making cruising there a great experience. 

That depends on whether they only want eclipse photography or also pictures of wildlife and landscapes. Advise the passengers to look at the photography pages on our website. We avoid saying what specific equipment they might need, as this is very subjective, but we do provide general advice based on what our guides bring. We also have a how-to video on the topic of polar photography: Photography Equipment for the Polar Regions >