
Überqueren Sie den Antarktischen Polarkreis. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der verschiedensten Expeditionskreuzfahrten. Erleben Sie die Antarktis beim Wandern, Kajak fahren und beim Tauchen.

Diese Grenze befindet sich auf 66° 33' südlicher Breite und markiert laut einer Definition das Antarktis-Territorium.

Am südlichen Polarkreis ist es mindestens einmal im Jahr 24 Stunden durchgängig hell. Dieses Phänomen wird durch die Neigung der Erdachse um 23,5 Grad verursacht. Der südlichste Punkt, den wir vermutlich auf unserer Reise erreichen werden befindet sich nahe der Detaille-Insel in der Crystal-Meerenge (66° 52' südlicher Breite).

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Reisen zum (Südlichen) Polarkreis

Falkland Inseln – Südgeorgien - Elephant Island - Antarktis - Polarkreis

Erlebe mindestens 6 Pinguinarten

HDS29-25 Diese Kreuzfahrt auf den Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien und der antarktischen Halbinsel ist ein wahr gewordener Traum eines Tierliebhabers. Die Expedition erkundet eines der letzten ungezähmten Gebiete der Erde - ein Land mit wildromantischen Landschaften...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


20 Feb - 14 Mär, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

16700 USD

Antarktis - Elefanteninsel - Weddellmeer - Polarkreis

Wagen Sie sich über den Polarkreis hinaus und besuchen Sie einige der tierreichsten Gewässer und Inseln der Antarktis

PLA31-25 Diese ausgedehnte Expedition führt Sie bis zum Polarkreis und verbindet die reiche Tierwelt des Weddellmeeres mit den surrealen Küsten und Inseln der Antarktischen Halbinsel. Wichtige Anlandestellen wie die legendäre Elefanteninsel und der Crystal Sound...

m/v Plancius

MS Plancius


9 Mär - 23 Mär, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

10500 USD

Antarktis & Polarkreis

Überqueren Sie den Polarkreis

OTL31-25 Diese Reise entlang der Antarktischen Halbinsel bis zum Polarkreis führt durch Gewässer, in denen sich Buckel-, Zwerg- und Finnwale aufhalten. Die Expedition bietet an verschiedenen Stellen die Möglichkeit für zahlreiche Aktivitäten wie z.B. Wandern,...

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


10 Mär - 21 Mär, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

7700 USD

Antarktis - Jenseits des Polarkreises - Wilkins-Schelfeis - Aurora Australis

Besuchen Sie Orte, die von De Gerlache auf seiner Polarexpedition an Bord der Belgica entdeckt wurden

OTL32-25 Die Reise ist eine echte Expedition, auf der wir die sehr selten besuchte Region der Bellingshausen-See, der Marguerite-Bucht und der Alexander-Insel erkunden. Wir besuchen Orte, die von De Gerlache auf seiner Polarexpedition (Juni 1887 - März 1899)...

m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


21 Mär - 5 Apr, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

10500 USD

Antarktis - Polarkreis - Walbeobachtungsreise

Überqueren Sie den Polarkreis

PLA32-25 Diese Reise entlang der Antarktischen Halbinsel bis zum Polarkreis führt durch Gewässer, in denen sich Buckel-, Zwerg- und Finnwale aufhalten. Die Expedition bietet an verschiedenen Stellen die Möglichkeit für zahlreiche Aktivitäten wie z.B. Wandern...

m/v Plancius

MS Plancius


23 Mär - 3 Apr, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

9450 USD


Latest blog and customer story

Polarkreis: Blog

Adding Antarctica to Your Seven-Continents Bucket List

It’s a common pursuit among serious travelers to visit all seven continents. And indeed, the term “bucket list,” which became popular (if not overused) since the 2007 movie, fits naturally with this goal.

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Latest highlight and wildlife

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von Beate Marlies Stupacher
von Diane Bennett
8 days of excellent guides, food, wildlife and stunning scenery. Superbly organized by Ali and the rest of her team (plan C was frequently adopted at short notice but always brilliant) Bewertung lesen
The whole trip was very exciting, which gave me a deep understanding of the Arctic scenery and wildlife. The speed of glacier melting also shocked me. I hope each of us can protect the earth well Bewertung lesen
von Gottfried Archan
hallo! Diese Reise (10.6. - 17.6. ab Longyearbyen) war die Reise meines Lebens. Da hat einfach alles gestimmt. Die Crew, alle Kategorien, perfekt. Nur manche Passagiere haben mich schockiert. Wie respektlos mit dem ausgesprochen gutem Essen umgegangen wird. Hier sollte man nachdenken wie man Bioabfall zumindest reduzieren kann. Mir ist bewußt das, das nicht einfach ist. Aber es wird nichts verändert wenn man nicht darüber nachdenkt. LG Gottfried Archan Bewertung lesen
von Sandy Kuan

The destination of this trip were Antartica, Falkland Island , South Georgia in January 2024, for 18 days cruising. For the most part on Hondius, we felt we were discriminated by some of the Expedition team members. This can be seen especially at lunch and dinner time. Most of the team members sit only with Caucasian guests. There were also different attitudes towards Caucasian vs second language English speakers seen throughout this trip. I tried to initiate conversations with some of the team members but gotten minimum replies. It was very different attitude when this team member interacted with Caucasian guests which was always with lots of enthusiasm. I remembered the first day we arrived on the ship, the Team Lead said ‘’ we are on the same ship and we are a big family.’’ But it didn’t feel that we were welcomed throughout the journey. Most of the time it felt been treated as secondary. I understand there was a group of people from other countries who don’t speak English well or at all. But, It doesn’t mean it’s okay to ignore or treat one who doesn’t speak English or who is not Caucasian differently. I am not taking about Language barriers but more about attitudes and Oceanwide appearance in front of its customers from its own expeditions team members. Only the last day or two, some of the team members finally started been seen doing their “homework “ it felt like, by company’s standard I guess..to sit with second language English speaking guests at lunch/dinner whom they have almost never interacted with. The positive sides were the expedition team members were very knowledgeable about Antarctica, from water, ice , birds, whales, winds, penguins, Hondius ….etc. They were able to answer every question, putting efforts to lectures and landings. They even tried to use rope to show us how long each different whale looked like. The Team from the restaurant was impressive, very nice service, excellent food. Front desk, super sweet, friendly and helpful. Housekeeping, they kept our room and bed clean and cozy, surprised towel animals every day. However it does not justify how we were been discriminated. Once again, you can’t treat your guests differently by skin color.

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von Darlene Zabowski
This was the best cruise we have ever done. The guides, the sites, the ship, the food, the weather.... it was all more than we had ever hoped for! The crew and guides kept us safe and gave us a fabulous trip. Thanks for all the wonderful experiences! We hope to do another trip with Oceanwide Expeditions again! Bewertung lesen


The Antarctic Circle, which is also referred to as a polar circle, is one of the five latitude circles that are used to divide maps of Earth. An expedition cruise to the Antarctic Circle will take travelers south of the Equator to the 66°33′45.9″ coordinates. The Antarctic Circle is between the Southern Temperate Zone and the Antarctic. This polar circle crosses through Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the Balleny Islands.

Due to the range of the Antarctic Circle, the average weather conditions can vary greatly. However, most expedition cruises that go near the Antarctic Circle stop at Detaille Island. This area can be warmer than many travelers would imagine. For example, in October, the temperature usually ranges from -7 to 0 degrees Celsius (19.4 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit). Of course, the Antarctic Circle can also be extremely frigid, depending on the time of year.  

The Antarctic Circle is slowly moving southward. This movement changes its exact coordinates by approximately 15 meters (49 feet) every year. At the current time, the entire area beneath the Antarctic Circle takes up 20 million square km (7.7 million square miles), which accounts for 4 percent of the Earth’s total landmass. 

Although we do not know which individual determined the existence of this Polar Circle, history does tell us that James Cook was the first person to travel to the Antarctic Circle. Cook reportedly crossed the circle via boat in 1773 as part of his second voyage to discover new regions.  

The exact area of the Antarctic Circle that you visit will directly impact the type of wildlife that you might encounter. During a cruise to the Antarctic Circle, it is possible that you will see a variety of penguin species, along with whales, seals and seabirds. 

A cruise to the Antarctic Circle is definitely a unique experience, and you may see a variety of photo-worthy things. Examples include wildlife, glaciers and icebergs.

One of the most intriguing facts about the Antarctic Circle is the region’s 24 hours of daylight and nighttime that take place once a year. To explain, December is filled with a full 24 hours of daylight to mark the solstice, and the opposite event occurs in June. 
