Epic Antarctica voyage!
por Paul Robinson
Salida en December 2022
Región: Antártida
Destinos: Península Antártica
Barco: El Hondius
Destacados: Raquetas de nieve, Camping Antártico, Kayak, Pingüino de Adelia, Pingüino barbijo, Foca cangrejera, Pingüino juanito, Yubarta, Orca, Foca leopardo, Rorcual aliblanco, Albatros errante, Foca de Weddell, Albatros ojeroso, Petrel níveo, Abanto marino, Charrán sombrío, Pardela, Cormorán antártico, Albatros cabecigrís, Albatros tiznado, Petrel damero, Petrel azulado, Pato petrel, Petrel antártico, Senderismo, Picovaina de Malvinas
So, how was the trip? Well, let's put it this way when I arrived in Ushuaia and phoned my girlfriend I was quite literally unable to tell her how good it was and instead had to fight to hold back the tears, which shocked her somewhat. From start to finish it was nothing short of epic. The ship was lovely and cabins were excellent, much roomier than I'd anticipated. The crossing both ways was as flat as a pancake and the weather we had in Antarctica was unprecedented, it was that good. We managed kayaking twice a day, every day if you wanted it, and it was incredible. The zodiac cruises and landings were amazing as were the camping and polar plunge. The food was of a really high standard and the variety was perfect. Now, onto the staff. The guides were absolutely phenomenal, altruistic, knowledgeable, funny, friendly and at the same time incredibly professional, I absolutely loved every one of them. The entire crew and all of the auxiliaries were 10 out of 10 and I could find not a single flaw in the whole operation. The attention to detail on board, the lectures, the BBQ on the back of the ship and all of the nice little things that were done for us literally blew everyone away.
¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
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