Best trip of my life
por Goutham Jayaraman
Salida en December 2022
por Goutham Jayaraman
Salida en December 2022
Región: Una real aventura antártica
Destinos: Islas Orcadas del Sur, Península Antártica, Islas Shetland del Sur, Islas Malvinas, Islas Georgias del Sur
Barco: El Ortelius
Destacados: Lobo fino antartico, Pingüino de Adelia, Charrán artico, Pingüino barbijo, Elefante marino del sur, Rorcual común, Pingüino juanito, Yubarta, Pingüino rey, Gaviota tridáctila, Foca leopardo, Pingüino macarrones, Pingüino magallánico, Pingüino saltarrocas, Albatros errante, Foca de Weddell, Albatros ojeroso, Petrel níveo, Abanto marino, Petrel damero, Cormorán, Delfín de Commerson, Picovaina de Malvinas, Ánade maicero (georgica)
Overall, the trip was extremely enjoyable. I was happy with all the landings, but would have liked much more time spent in Antarctica which only had one mainland landing. I appreciated being able to walk amongst the wildlife and also the fact that Ocenawide takes its biosecurity seriously (although some passengers still knelt close to penguins). Its good that nature conservation is important to the crew and messages regarding it can be found throughout the ship. The food was mostly excellent and the facilities on the ship were good. I will probably visit Antarctica again and wont have any issues choosing Oceanwide. Thanks
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