
793 blogposts found






OTL26-19, trip log, Antarctica, Basecamp

We had a busy morning following breakfast, first as Expedition Leader Tobias presented the mandatory zodiac safety briefing and IAATO regula

The Wonderful Weddell Sea: Places, Pics, and Impressions

When talking about Antarctica, it’s easy to slip into familiar verbiage: amazing, astounding, extraordinary, exceptional. And though most An

Arctic Invaders: Interview with a Marine Ecotoxicologist

Despite all we read about the warming planet, the polar species struggling to keep up, and the hive of business interests unrepentantly tryi

PLA23-18, trip log, Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Antarctic Peninsula

We awoke to calm seas and sunshine today, and most of us headed on deck to take in the views of the approaching Falkland Islands! We sailed

OTL25-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula with South Shetland Islands

To prepare for the upcoming excursions we went through more briefings about zodiac safety and how to be a good tourist in Antarctica. Then

Clean Seas, Please: AECO, UNEP, and the Clean Seas Campaign

In Robert Frost’s famous prophesying poem, Fire and Ice, the New England poet speculates as to how the world will end. Will it be by fire or

OTL24-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula - Basecamp

After a successful zodiac cruise, we sailed to Cuverville Island aiming to land. However, this plan was de-stroyed by the ice; ice is nice b

Port Lockroy: History, Post Office, and Resident Penguins

Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on all the beautiful coastlines, fjords, and other natural wonders of Antarctica that we overlook the man-ma

PLA22-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula with South Shetland Islands

Wow! Wow! that was the reaction of passengers when they awoke and viewed the incredible panorama in front of them. Sun shining brightly in t

OTL23-18, trip log, Weddell Sea – in search of the Emperor Penguin incl. helicopters

The first full day onboard Ortelius welcomed passengers and crew with moderate winds – at least in terms of the Drake Passage after a rollin

Experience the Arctic Polar Night

As of late November, the polar night began darkening the skies of Northern Norway. Right now there is no sunrise in Tromsø.

Kayaking in Antarctica and the Arctic

Though our focus is always providing our passengers maximum possible polar shore time, sometimes off-shore time is just as important. For th

Polar Cuisine in Pictures

Just because you’re traveling in some of the planet’s least civilized locations doesn’t mean your cuisine has to be barbaric.

PLA21-18, trip log, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula

After breakfast there was plenty of time to head out on deck and enjoy the sunshine and enjoy the birds that were flying around the ship and

Oceanwide Expeditions reaches Snow Hill emperor penguin colony

For the second year in a row, predicting great things for its 2019 Antarctic voyages

Emperors Everywhere: Letter from Snow Hill Island, Antarctica

Yesterday marks two years in a row that we’ve been able to take our guests to the spectacular but seldom-visited Snow Hill Island emperor pe

There’s No Place like North Norway

As a cruise specialist for Grand Nord Grand Large, I’ve had the opportunity to cruise the seven seas and dozens of rivers all around the wor

OTL22-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula - Basecamp

The first full day onboard Ortelius welcomed passengers and crew with moderate winds – at least in terms of the Drake Passage after a rollin

Picture Perfect: Interview and Advice from a Polar Photographer

It isn't easy to take a bad picture in the polar regions, but it's far from impossible.

Meat, Mate, Move: a Polar Bear Story

Silent as the wind through your fur, you creep over the ice to the small, dark hole. At the bottom, well within reach of your tensing paws,

AECO, IAATO & OEX: Polar Travel Partnerships

Nature-based travel asks its share of responsibilities to the planet, and travel in ecologically vulnerable areas even more so. Thankfully,
