
793 blogposts found






Port Pastimes: 7 Fun Things to Do in Longyearbyen

Waiting in port to begin an Arctic cruise can be a little like waiting for water to boil or coffee to brew or Game of Thrones to come back:

Top 10 Antarctic Attractions

Even if you put its exotically beautiful wildlife aside, Antarctica is undeniably mythic in both scale and scenery: The largest glaciers and

PLA31-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula—Whale Watching

After a delightful buffet lunch, we began our afternoon program of mandatory briefings and activities to prepare us for our time in Antarcti

OTL33-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula – Polar Circle, Deep South Discovery and whal

After two days at sea we finally got the chance to see the spectacular mountains covered in snow and some wild-life of Antarctica. The morni

The South Georgia Seven: Hikes, Fjords, Whales, & Penguins

Few places encapsulate such a staggeringly rich assortment of sub-Antarctic scenery, animals, and outing opportunities as South Georgia.

PLA30-19, trip log, Weddell Sea - Antarctic Discoverer

The first close-up penguin experience of the trip did not disappoint. Many people chose to simply stay close to the beach and enjoy the comi

Antarctica and My Old Friend, Ortelius: Passenger Story by Ann Lane

I was on the recent Antarctic trip on Ortelius, 16 Feb - 7 March. This has been my third expedition with Oceanwide, and I continue to be ver

Scenes from St. Andrews Bay: 12 Pics of Penguins, Seals, and More

It’s highly likely that, if you’re ever lucky enough to visit the visually stunning sub-Antarctic island chain of South Georgia, one of your

OTL32-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula, Basecamp

As an introduction to Antarctica goes, this does not disappoint. Penguins, seals, whales and ice, so much ice. Glaci-ers tumble chaotically

Polar Gear of Yesteryear: Expedition Clothing 100 Years Ago

When you look at pictures of polar expedition clothing from a century past, the experience is not unlike seeing images of World War military

Trek into the Timeless: Interview with Polar Ski Guide Phil Wickens

If you ever find yourself lost in snowy, ice-clutched, thoroughly inhospitable country like in the latest wilderness survival movie, don’t p

PLA29-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula – Polar Circle Voyage

After lunch, many of us headed out on deck to enjoy the ocean whilst other took the opportunity to have a little siesta. At 3pm Marijke gave

The Ultimate Traveler’s Guide to the Arctic and Antarctica

Sunrises or sunsets, coffee or tea, Wonder Woman or Superman. The world contains a virtually limitless supply of things to compare, contrast

Oceanwide Expeditions covers the polar corner at ITB Berlin

Last week Oceanwide staff attended ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel trade show, meeting old friends and new in a weeklong spree of tou

Ada Blackjack: Forgotten Queen of Arctic Expeditions

The incredible real-life story of the overlooked Iñupiat woman who became the only survivor of a fateful Arctic expedition.”

OTL31-19, trip log, Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Antarctica

In the morning before arrival we spotted some Sei whales in a narrow passage Ortelius passed through close to Westpoint Island. It was a su

PLA28-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula - Basecamp

The Gerlache Strait is the strait that separates the Palmer Archipelago from the Antarctic Peninsula. The Belgica Expedition, under command

Antarctic Explorer’s Voyage

There’s off the beaten track, and there’s really off the beaten track. And then there’s the Antarctic Explorer’s Voyage, a far-ranging pola

Cruise to Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula 3rd – 22nd December 2018

The first day was spent sailing towards the Falkland Islands, and on the second morning I woke to a bright day and was up on deck to see us

A Brief History of Arctic & Antarctic Cruises

These days you can book a few tickets, take a few flights, and embark on an expedition cruise to areas that just over a century ago represen

Tristan da Cunha Collection: 18 Pics from Earth's Most Remote Islands

The best pictures aren't always in the first place you look. In fact, sometimes they're about as far away as you can get. And it's hard to i
