St. helena highlights
19 highlights found
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Astronomy Workshop
Outdoor activities
Explore the wonders of the polar skies, practice navigating with a sextant, and learn the basics of modern and historical astronomy.

Bird Watching
Enjoy birding together with fellow birders and visit remote places with rare bird-species.

Bird species on St. Helena
Though lacking most of its endemic species, this remote island offers an abundance of photogenic birdlife

Blue Whale
The largest-known creatures the Earth has ever produced have lifespans comparable to ours, though not hearts: Theirs can outweigh most vehicles

Fin Whale
Akin to their blue whale relatives both in size and the low frequency of their song, these "razorbacks" have asymmetrically colored faces thought to help them while hunting

Flora and Fauna of St. Helena
Exotic but endangered plant life supporting equally exceptional wildlife

Green Turtle
A remnant from the days of the dinosaurs, these cold-blooded herbivores cannot retract into their shells like many other turtle species

Hiking on St. Helena
Explore one of Earth’s most far-off islands the old-fashioned way: by foot

Humpback Whale
Also known as "great-winged newfoundlanders" for their wing-like flippers, these cetaceans earned their more contemporary name by the way they bow their backs before a dive

Killer Whale
Technically a kind of dolphin, orcas were once thought to appear as whales in the summer and wolves in the winter

Minke Whale
Though the smallest of the fin whales, these migrating mammals can let out a cry as loud as a plane taking off

Napoleon's house on St. Helena
The island exile where one of history’s greatest tacticians spent his final years

Sei Whale
Among the largest of their parvorder, these "winged whales" usually prefer warmer waters than their polar-traveling baleen relatives

These sea birds claim the longest migration of any animal ever recorded, which partially explains why so little is yet known about them

Shore-Based Walking
Explore the last true wilderness of our planet on foot, and absorb the beauty of the polar regions at your own pace

Sperm Whale
The inspiration for the white whale of Moby Dick, sperm whales have the largest heads, biggest brains, and make the loudest sound of any animal on Earth