Beyond belief fabulous


Abreise in December 2024

Words have not been invented to describe the beauty and perfection of Antarctica, to also get to do the activities there was fabulous, Kayaking with penguins, Zodiacing with Orcas, camping with seals - all beyond belief - the staff on the ship (not boat - I have learnt my lesson) were fabulous - above and beyond on every level - I could spend hours telling you how fab the crew were and it still wouldn't touch the sides. This is a very expensive trip but the staff make sure it's worth every penny and more. I thought my travel company were crazy when they told me the suggested tip was £140, by the end of the first day they'd totally earned that and by the end of the trip I literally gave them all the cash I had - happily. If you want to push yourself, learn something new and meet fabulous new people, there's no better way to do it - if there's any way you can get the money together, just do it - you can't be disappointed.Text

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