Across The Drake to beyond the Antarctic Circle

von Maggie Rikard-Bell

Departure in March 2023

This was the most fabulous trip on MV Hondius. The Expedition Leaders were terrific, the on-board lectures great. I learned so much about all things wildlife and ice. Thanks for an amazing educational program. The food was outstanding and so varied. All the staff were so friendly and nothing asked about or for was too much trouble. Cabin very comfortable on Level 4 and so well designed with heaps more storage than I expected and not at the expense of the bathroom which was great. To be able to access the Bridge frequently to look for wildlife or just enjoy the view was wonderful. The landings and Zodiac cruises were spectacular with whales, seals and penguins to marvel at and just great fun, even when it was cold and windy. Being one of the small number of people this year to cross the Antarctic Circle was an unexpected bonus and total thrill! The icing on an already beautiful cake! 10 out of 10 for me and I would love to do it all again! Thank you all for an outstanding adventure.Text

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