The last remaining wildernesses on our planet are my passion.

by Jan Belgers Expert review

15 years ago I had the opportunity to return to the Polar regions on the Oceanwide expedition vessels to guide and share my passion for these wild places

The last remaining wildernesses on our planet are my passion, specifically the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Because of my professional background in Marine Ecology I was able to join several research expeditions to both the Arctic and Antarctic.

About 15 years ago Oceanwide Expeditions gave me the opportunity to return to the Polar regions on their expedition cruise vessels, to guide voyages like their Greenland cruises and share my passion for these wild places. I have not been doing anything else since.

As expedition leader and guide I work on all the different vessels from Oceanwide Expeditions, from the hundred years old two-mast schooner Noorderlicht (not in our program anymore) to the new state-of-the-art flagship Plancius. Different ships but they are all perfect for what we want to achieve; to travel save and comfortable in these remote places and truly experience the amazing polar wilderness.

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