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PLA16-18, trip log, Spitsbergen, Northern Greenland & Aurora Borealis
We sailed past the Northwest corner of Spitsbergen, and turned towards the East, coming across the top of the island and into Raudfjord. Th
Es war meine erste Expeditionsfahrt überhaupt und sie hinterliess tiefe Spuren in mir
Dies betraf nicht nur die perfekte Organisation an Bord, die abwechslungsreiche Verpflegung, das zwanglose Miteinander von Crew und Reisende
Six Must-See Svalbard Sites
It’s home to humanity’s last-ditch supply of crop seeds, the world’s northernmost settlement over 1,000 people, and is one of the best place
PLA15-18, trip log, Northern Spitsbergen
Spitsbergen means ‘pointy mountains’ in Dutch. On our way north through Smeerenburgfjorden we spotted a group of about 20 Walrus hauled out
Where the Polar Bears Roam
Going to the Arctic without clapping eyes on a real-life polar bear might reasonably be compared to visiting Africa without seeing a giraffe
15 Falklands Bird Photos
Few places offer as unique and abundant a selection of birds, particularly seabirds, as the remote sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Falkland
PLA14-18, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, Kvitoya
Overnight we had sailed from the glorious evening views of Bråsvellbreen and Austfonna, towards Kvitøya. A light gentle swell and clear skie
PLA13-18, trip log, Around Spitsbergen
After having breakfast, we attended the mandatory briefing about zodiac operations and polar bear safety. Then, we were called to get our ru
North Norway, Northern Lights, and All the Pretty Whales
At first glance, visiting Northern Norway at any other time except a blazing-hot summer might seem an undertaking unfit for the average trav
OTL11-18, trip log, Around Spitsbergen
We woke to our first morning on Ortelius entering Kongsfjorden under blue skies and sunshine. The relatively calm waters overnight had made
Right up with the Best: Oxford to Arctic with Roly Pitts
Having returned to a rather hot Oxford after 12 days of exploring Arctic islands on a century-old historic schooner, I decided to pen a few
8 Scientific Wonders of the Arctic
The Arctic’s frozen landscape not only contains scenic gems, it also prompts fascinating advances in research. Here are some of the eight be
OTL09-18, trip log, Around Spitsbergen
We woke to our first morning on Ortelius entering Kongsfjorden under blue skies and sunshine. Calm waters overnight had made for a restful s
Tracking Greenland’s Wildlife from Space
Despite Greenland’s harsh environment, life has found a way to thrive there. If you’re lucky enough to embark on a Greenland cruise, you sta
PLA09-18, trip log, Around Spitsbergen
The day began with a wake up call from our Expedition Leader, Beau on this beautiful sunday morning as we passed the Rentierflya (reindeer p
The Ice-Jewelled Geology of Spitsbergen
The Svalbard archipelago is found in the Arctic Ocean, approximately 660 km (410 miles) north of the northernmost tip of Norway. It is a geo
Hello, Hondius: Former Passengers Visit Our Future Vessel
It’s hard not to be flattered when our former passengers speak highly of our voyages, vessels, and staff. But it’s altogether impossible whe
El mejor viaje de nuestra vida
Estuvimos en Spitsbergen el pasado 1 de junio hasta el día 10, navegando en el precioso barco velero Rembrandt. Ha sido una experiencia inol
PLA08-18, trip log, Spitsbergen Polar Bear Special
Next to this was the much larger calving front of Smithbreen, and a few of us witnessed small calving events as chunks of ice fell from the
The First Float of m/v Hondius
On the morning of Saturday, June 9, a newly constructed polar expedition cruise vessel slid down the timber-and-steel slipway of a sprawling
Trip log, PLA07-18, Spitsbergen Polar Bear Special
At 3pm we had a lecture. Michael invited everyone to the lounge and organized a lecture and discussion about sea ice and how important it is