
793 blogposts found






Polar Marine Visitors: the Whales of Antarctica and the Arctic

Whales are the world’s largest mammals, found in the Arctic and Antarctica. This article covers some of the major species you may see on voy

PLA28-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula

A day of true expedition cruising, where Plan A becomes Plan B becomes Plan C. And on Plancius, it turns out Plan C is A-OK. We woke up to

Arctic Foxes: Constant Gardeners of the Arctic

The Arctic fox is a circumpolar species found across the Arctic, extending from Greenland, Iceland, and Svalbard across Eurasia to North Ame

OTL29-18, trip log, Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Antarctica

Almost immediately, we encountered a few curious Cobb´s Wren along with Striated Caracaras, two bird species only found on a handful of isla

PLA27-18, trip log, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula

Plancius anchored off the western end of the bay and almost immediately an expeditionary zodiac went ashore to assess the situation; however

The Ancient Fossil Forests of Antarctica

Over a hundred years ago, Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition to Antarctica discovered fossils of plants on the Beardmore Glacier, less than 50

Polar Pour Master: Interview with Rolando Garcia

Nobody goes to the polar regions just for the drinks, but it’s tempting when your expedition cruise ship has a bartender like Rolando Garcia

Retracing the Steps of Antarctica’s Early Explorers

For a long time in human history, there was a belief that a large continent must lie at the southern end of the Earth to provide balance to

OTL28-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula

A few hours on, after crossing the Gerlache Strait we approached Cuverville Island. Conditions were good and everybody had a first close-up

The Research Stations of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic

Numerous research stations operate throughout the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic, engaged in all manner of scientific inquiry. This article wil

The Birth of Hondius: a Story in Pictures

As of the summer of 2019, our new polar vessel, m/v Hondius, will be cruising the crystalline waters of the polar regions, delivering dozens

Top 10 Polar Research Stories of 2017

Before the first month of the new year becomes a thing of distant memory, and with it everything that happened the year before, let’s take a

OTL27-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula

The Skuas were again flying around looking for any opportunity to grab a chick. Sheathbills also scooted around looking for feeding opportun

Secrets of the Snowy Owl: Habitat, Adaptations, and Other Facts

The snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus), also known as the great white owl or Arctic owl, is one of the most distinctive bird species on the planet.

Narwhals: 10 Facts About an Elusive Arctic Unicorn

The narwhal is an Arctic-based whale that spends most of its life in the waters off Greenland, Svalbard, Russia, and Canada. Some estimates

PLA26-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula

All around us we could see the jagged peaks and islands which looked like something from a fantasy film. We were also lucky to see a group o

A Travel Pro’s Take on the Arctic Cruise Experience: Interview with Mariola Burejko

We’ve heard what it’s like to cruise the polar regions from the perspective of the passengers, the guides, the captains. But what about the

OTL26-18, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula

The day began in Antarctica! Suddenly we were in the ice; icebergs, sea ice, and the snow-covered mountains rising out of the sea like the H

The Plancius Adventure

Our days sailing towards the Falkland Islands were full of activities and wildlife sightings, including a romping group of Peale’s dolphins

PLA25-17, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula Basecamp

During the day we could watch numerous Cape petrels, some Black-browed albatrosses and even a Light mantled sooty albatross. Just before the

The Ways and Wildlife of the Weddell Sea

The Weddell Sea is located off the coast of Antarctica, at the very south of the Atlantic. Its geographical location is 75 degrees south and
