
Overall rating based on 1,087 votes
Overall rating based on 1,087 votes




Outdoor activities




by Valmar Kurol

A fantastic place to be on a clear day. One of the highlights of the Ross Sea trip, if the weather allows.

by Henning Junger

Great Experience, unforgettble expeditions, Excellent Crew, very good meals, Plan to upload photos and review later Thanks to outstanding crew: marine, hotel, expeditions... Greetings Evelyn and Henning Junger Austria

by Ian Buckley

I agree with Daniel, same cabin! All about the trip was fantastic, including my travel-mates. Yes the crew/staff/guides/Doctor were first class, but the real bonus was the way people mixed and joined in. All in all, SUPERB. PS a big shout for my two restaurant buddies!!!

So excellent,had so many activists,u will enjoy them so much.but the weather that time someday not so good and the food normal compair to my friends' ships,but the prize is good.


Excellent trip. Excellent crew and organization. Great lectures and great food. Thank you !!

by Veerle Verbeeck

This was an amazing trip. Needless to say that Antarctica is an unbelievable destination to visit and all parts of the trip were perfect. Friendly crew, knowledgeable expedition team who were kind and always present, the entire trip was very well organised with clear information at every stage during the voyage. With high focus on respect for the environment. I was also very lucky that the atmosphere amongst the passengers was very nice. Definitely a trip and a ship worth experiencing.

by tristan schwartz

Very good trip. Very good crew, friendly and professional. Very good food. Landscape is wondeful. Bedroom are clean. But : - We didn't go to ukrainian base of Vernadsky while it was written that we go. - Some people had paid 2000 euros less than me because they booked last minute. - We didn't see Horn Cape while we wasn't far. - The bedroom is too much small for three people.

by luc verhelle

This was such a great trip. We left Ushuaia with some really bad forecasts for the Drake Passage, and they were true. The first night was rough, really rough. But it felt like it cut us off from the world. The whole trip was organized in an excellent way, great expedition guides, great Ortelius crew. Everybody was always ready to explain things, the captain and officers on the bridge, the zodiac drivers, the guides on the bridge, the guides ashore.... We had enough time to wander around during the landings, time to sit and absorb this wonderful world. And another great experience was to be without internet, email, telephone for 10 days. People talked to each other again, a truly wonderful experience. I don't know if we will ever do it again, but I sure feel like I should. A very great 'thank you' to everyone on board of the Ortelius!

by Daniel Saavedra

We had the trip of a lifetime aboard the Ortelius. Everything was perfect, the crew and the expedition guides were always friendly and helpful with a huge knowledge about Antarctica. The lectures were very interesting and informative. All the landings were amazing and the places we visited were beautiful with amazing wildlife. The ship is very comfortable, our room (twin porthole) was very spacious and always clean, the food was always delicious and varied, served by very friendly staff. Everything was very well organized, the landings and the zodiac trips. We loved that it was more like an expedition than a cruise, and that it was very informal and there was a great vibe on board. At the end we were like a big family. Thank you to all the staff on board, to Sebas and the guides, to Michael and the hotel crew and to all that made our trip unforgettable. Thank you as well for the trip log it is amazing!!! Hope to see you in the Arctic!

by Hanne Krafft

Eine ausgezeichnete, aufeinander abgestimmte Crew, die bis zuletzt für die Teilnehmer da war."Du kannst uns jederzeit ansprechen" waren nicht nur hohle Worte. Hanne Krafft 8.01.2016

by Volker Krafft

Das Schiff mit der richtigen Anzahl der Reisenden für die Anlandungen, eine sehr vernünftige Küche, eine Crew, die auf alles vorbereitet war, ausgezeichnete informative mehrsprachige Vorträge zu allem, was einem begegnete, dazu noch ein bißchen Glück mit Wetter und Seegang: Was kann man noch mehr wollen? Alle meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen.

by Jacques Delescen

Right from the start when we embarked Plancius on December 28, 2015, the friendly atmosphere on board the ship and its helpful professional crew were promising signs for a great expedition to Antarctica. And it came true in every aspect. The captain and his crew sailed us to exceptional and remote places, the hotel staff made us feel at home on board and the expedition staff did their utmost to let us experience Antarctica’s nature and wildlife. When weather was too severe for activities on land they worked out alternatives like Zodiac drives or extra early morning landings after captain and crew sailed the ship to more sheltered places. With all the landings we made on different places of the Peninsula and the offered activities like kayaking, mountaineering, camping, etc., we have experienced the incredible nature of Antarctica and its wildlife. In the background always there were the staff, helpful for our convenience and safety. It really was a great experience.

by wim van passel

The past 20 years I have experienced the prevelage of being guest on board for 20 times or more. Both the arctic and Antarctic regions not only are the most impresive regions of this planet, but they also offer me the best occasions to learn about living at this planet. During this years I have been able to ad thousands of new images to the image bank of the Int. World Wide Fund for Nature. If I could embar tomorow, I would not hessitate to do again. wim van passel

by Gerhard Binder

From the first minute to the last, it was a very great adventure. For me the different icehills were the best!

This trip was an amazing adventure, not only because of uniqueness of Antarctic environment but also because of the people (crew members and passengers). I would like to thank all Plancius team members for the great work they did in order to make our adventure safe, interesting, knowledgeable, tasty and cosy. Never stop and all the best!
