
Gesamtwertung basierend auf 1.083 Stimmen
Gesamtwertung basierend auf 1.083 Stimmen








Wetterglück "Zimmerkolleginnen" gut Essen und Hotelservice gut Mitpassagiere gut gesehen: div Pinguine inkl Kaiserpinguin (1) Seals div Vögel Wale

von Alan Duke

Everybody I spoke to on the trip agreed it would be impossible to find the words to describe Antarctica - you've just got to go!

von jacques payant

Great trip,great sea sick hahahah great weather.staff very very kind loved every minute of it just the drake passage was a little bit rought on the way to antartica but perfect on return with the pacth of doctor Hans we would love having a longer kayak ride,,,,would love kayaking before dinner since the sun was still high in the sky

It was absolutly fantastic, and it fullfilled all my dreams about the tour. The guide´s and the crew really worke´d hard to give us the best experience.

I had the most amazing time in the entire world on my Antarctica trip!!! :) I am very grateful for the opportunity to travel with Oceanwide Expeditions and can't wait to tell the world all about it. The Plancius vessel quickly became home and all the accommodations were in great shape — I was in the quadruple room and we had plenty of drawers and closet space to keep our things in. Loved our porthole view, the bunk beds were comfortable and the individual curtains around each bed made the room perfect and cozy. Antarctica changed all of our lives and it was the most spectacular trip of a lifetime. I can't say enough amazing things about Oceanwide Expeditions -- from the most incredible staff, to the constantly helpful expedition guides, to the delicious food and snacks, and of course the basecamp adventure activities! We had magically perfect weather and every moment was special -- I even loved the Drake Passage too! We had the best basecamp activity passenger crew and had so much fun together, definitely the best choice I could have made for a very memorable and active trip to Antarctica.

von Rodney van der Spoel

We had a fantastic trip with the Ortelius to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, the South Orkney Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. The crew and staff on board were very enthousiastic and positive, even when an activity could not take place, due to the weather. They always looked for an alternative. The lectures were informative and interesting. The auction for the rat eradication programme on South Georgia was very funny, especially when Adam, the Swedish staffmember, tried to repeat a Chinese bid in Chinese.Our cabin was larger and more luxurious than we had expected. The choice at breakfast, lunch and dinner was great. The weather was great too, although we had a lot of wind. We saw a lot of wildlife, like penguins, whales, dolphins, seals and seabirds.

von Rudolf und Agnès Graf

Mit der ganzen Reise und dem Wetter, sehr zufrieden! Was hätten wir bei ständig schlechtem Wetter gemacht?...

von Kathrin Freise

In march 2016 I visited the Lofoten on board of the SV Noorderlicht. It was an unforgetable trip. The landscape is amazing, the crew was absolutely friendly and very well prepared and the Noorderlicht stole a part of my heart. Many thanks to the whole group. I will be back next year!

von Eduard Clément

Organisation: am Flughafen in Reykjavik war so was von katastrophal oder chaotisch wie es nicht schlimmer sein könnte, ein Wunder dass alle Teilnehmer in die Stadt gekommen sind! Am Morgen 2 Std vor dem Hotel warten auf einen Bus das ist Organisation gleich Null ! Keine Orientierung was oder wie es weiter geht, Reiseleiter musste sich selber vor Ort abmühen, ein absolutes No Go! Führer auf dem Schiff unvorbereitet und bei den Wanderungen zT etwas orientierungslos. Philppino Zodiac-Führer Top, Gratuliere. Essen OK, Schiffsreise OK. Kabine 509 extrem lärmig (Technik, Motor usw.)

Wir buchten ein aussergewöhnliches Programm, in einem Teil der Welt, der noch weitgehend unberührt ist, in klimatischen Verhältnissen, die für uns neu waren und in einer Landschaft, die zum Teil atemberaubend ist. Dass unsere Erwartungen erfüllt wurden, verdanken einer ausgezeichneten Schiffsbesatzung & dem höchst professionellen Expeditions-Team. Gewissenhaft, verantwortungsbewusst und mit der immer wieder geforderten Flexibilität führten sie uns an die Naturschönheiten Spitzbergens heran. Wenn die Bedingungen für Landungen nicht günstig waren, wurden keinerlei Risiken eingegangen - das Programm wurde kurzfristig umgestellt und stattdessen wurden sehr interessante Vorträge zu verschiedensten Themen mit Bezug zur Arktis, bzw. Spitzbergen angeboten. Es wurde immer nach der für uns Kunden bestmöglichen Lösung gesucht. Diese kundenorientierte Haltung schuf auch Vertrauen. Hervorzuheben ist ausserdem das sehr hohe Umweltbewusstsein des ganzen Teams, sowie das gute Essen. Eine solche Leistung ist nur mit einem hohen Teamspirit denkbar. Der war spürbar und war Voraussetzung dafür, dass die Reise für uns zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis wurde

von Trevor Hicks

It shouldn't have happened in 2016! My daughter, Siân and myself had decided that 2017 would be the year we would both head North to circumnavigate the Svalbard Archipelago. However, work bookings intervened so a hasty decision was made. "Damn it, let's go now!" Fortune smiles upon the impetuous. Not only did we end up with excellent cabin mates and travelling companions, we enjoyed first-class hospitality and witnessed some remarkable sights. The majestic scenery, with jagged peaks and blue-hued glaciers, the opportunity to take a stroll on the sea-ice at 81 deg N coupled with numerous sightings of polar bear going about their business, walrus sporting in the Arctic swell, mighty humpback whales feeding around the ship and reindeer grazing on the tundra kept the camera shutters constantly clicking. The experienced and knowledgeable expedition team, together with our resourceful skipper and the ship's crew and hospitality staff kept us safe and increased our knowledge of all aspects of the Arctic as well as our waistlines! We returned, not just satisfied travellers, but as passionate ambassadors for the vast and beautiful fragility we had been privileged to share.

von frank policky

above all expectations!!! an unforgetable experience.

Everything about this Spitsbergen , N.E. Greenland to Iceland adventure was perfect . The expedition staff were so impressive - knowledgable , friendly , immensely capable -just wonderful people working as a tight team, sharing a huge range of tasks ,always patient, enthusiastic , supportive and good company. The ship Plancius was no frills comfortable, the crew were most impressive. Meals were excellent. The itinerary was masterfully managed by Exped. Leader Andrew and the Captain. Always plenty to see and do and talks from expedition staff on many subjects were great. Landings and zodiac cruises were fun and challenging. Couldn't recommend this trip more highly.

von Julio Joglar

Amazing trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world. The M/V Ortelius is a great vessel and it is perfect for this type of trips. The entire time aboard I felt safe and not once I lost confidence on the ship's strenght or the crew. My cabin was spacious, comfortable and it was kept very clean. The crew was knowledgeable and very professional and ran the trip smooth and on time. There were a few hiccups during the trip but they were caused by the weather, to be expected in that part of the world, and not by the crew. The food was much better than what I was expecting and the desserts kept me asking for seconds every day. Landings in Antartica made me feel like a true world explorer and the photo ops were simply out of this world. This trip is a most for any photographer whether you are an amateur, a pro or you are starting at the hobby. Just make sure you bring the best gear you possibly can and that you store your gear in water proof bags. I definitely recommend Oceanwide Expeditions and based on the comments I heard from locals in Ushuaia, Argentina, the company is regarded as the best and safest in the trade.

von Kari Bullamore

I had some concerns about taking this trip. I am older, not in the best shape, have type 1 diabetes, but REALLY had an interest in the Arctic. Our trip could not have been better. We had a wonderful group leading our explorations. The ship was plenty adequate for the trip. The onboard staff was warm and friendly. And, the wildlife we saw was beyond incredible. I would recommend this trip to anyone who is interested in a guided overview of the Svalbard/polar area. Our group leaders tailored our activities to our interests and abilities. The weather cooperated. It was great!!
