Fortuna Bay

One of South Georgia’s most picturesque locations, Fortuna Bay is also a popular penguin hangout

Fortuna Bay

Region: Antarktis

Reiseziele: Südgeorgien

The fine sights of Fortuna Bay

Fortuna Bay is located on the north shores of South Georgia, surrounded by rugged mountainous beauty and teeming wildlife. A nature photographer’s dream come true, this site’s varying tundra and curious penguins will likely provide some of the best pictures of your voyage.

This is a great spot for viewing icebergs and is also home to healthy populations of king penguin, Antarctic fur seal, elephant seal, brown skua, giant petrel, and Antarctic tern. Fur seals, which were once almost hunted out of existence, are now so abundant in Fortuna Bay that it is sometimes difficult for us to find a landing spot along the shore.

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Fortuna Bay’s harrowing history

This scenic bay was named after a co-owned Norwegian and Argentinian whaling ship and was one of the last points on legendary British explorer Ernest Shackleton’s arduous trek (known as the Shackleton Traverse) from King Haakon Bay.

Shackleton and his crew managed to hike to Stromness Whaling Station, where they arranged a rescue for the remainder of their team stranded at Elephant Island. When possible, we offer hikes that follow part of the Shackleton Traverse.

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