
Overall rating based on 1,084 votes
Overall rating based on 1,084 votes




Outdoor activities




by Paul Robinson

So, how was the trip? Well, let's put it this way when I arrived in Ushuaia and phoned my girlfriend I was quite literally unable to tell her how good it was and instead had to fight to hold back the tears, which shocked her somewhat. From start to finish it was nothing short of epic. The ship was lovely and cabins were excellent, much roomier than I'd anticipated. The crossing both ways was as flat as a pancake and the weather we had in Antarctica was unprecedented, it was that good. We managed kayaking twice a day, every day if you wanted it, and it was incredible. The zodiac cruises and landings were amazing as were the camping and polar plunge. The food was of a really high standard and the variety was perfect. Now, onto the staff. The guides were absolutely phenomenal, altruistic, knowledgeable, funny, friendly and at the same time incredibly professional, I absolutely loved every one of them. The entire crew and all of the auxiliaries were 10 out of 10 and I could find not a single flaw in the whole operation. The attention to detail on board, the lectures, the BBQ on the back of the ship and all of the nice little things that were done for us literally blew everyone away.

by Christa van Oorschot

Experience for a lifetime! Met lovely people and top guides. Excellent ship and crew. Wonderfull landscape and wildlife.

by Frits van Oorschot

Goed verzorgd, goed georganiseerd, fantastische omgeving, rijke en kwetsbare natuur, leuke mensen, wat een reis, een "lifetime experience". En toch..die kwetsbare natuur. We moeten ons echt inzetten om die te behouden. Want al hebben we erg veel geleerd over Antarctica, toch en vooral dat onze "footprint" ook afbreuk doet aan diezelfde natuur.

by Alicia Taylor

For two years I waited to take this trip and when I boarded the ship I couldn't believe the time had finally arrived. The 9 days aboard the M/V Hondius were the best of my life! The crew/staff were exceptional, the scenery was beyond words. I met so many wonderful people that I will consider friends for life. The overall trip was one that I will never forget.

by John van Gaal

Accompanied by the best support from the Hondius crew we visited the antarctic in the beginning of the season and had the best weather conditions possible The combination leaded to a huge possibility to view both land and sea life without obstructions of waves rain / snow or else and gave views of the nature you cannot expect unless you have seen it yourselve. In short this trip was unforgetable


I met many new friends from all over the world. Together we enjoyed the amazing animals and environment God gave us. The weather was put of our control but in a way added to our experience. The guides and staff were a blessing. There knowledge of the antartic was amazing and they kept us safe throughout the expedition. My favorite part was seeing the penguins and my disappointment was not seeing any orcas. I guess I'll have to go again.

by Yan Zhang

like chanlenge program and dinning room food


Pippa is a good leader, Captin is awesome, George, Alex, and June are very nice, knowledgeable, and experienced expedition. Rosa helps us a lot.

We had wonderful trip with ocean-wide cruise . All staff members are super good, friendly and knowledgeable. I specifically thank Alexis, Rose whom gave us a lot of help. The food were very good, fresh and tasty. Service members were very polite and friendly. I had a wonderful trip.

by Meagan Roecker

Thank you to Oceanwide for the most amazing experience on the Basecamp cruise on Hondius this November. The panoramic picturesque views surrounding you at all times, the incredible wildlife encounters, and adventure activities made it the best trip of my life. What made the experience all the better was the expedition guides. We were fortunate to be able to learn from them and spend time with such kind, knowledgeable, adventurous people. All of them brought such an interesting background and stories to tell. The photography guide, Ross Wheeler, made a particular impact. On our zodiac ride, he personally coached me with my camera, swiftly maneuvering the zodiac around and guiding me to ensure I captured epic shots. Additionally, he provided premium tips on how best to capture the orcas that we were fortunate to see, prioritizing ensuring I was getting the best shots versus focusing on his own. He then went over and beyond reviewing my shots at the end of the day and helping me select and edit my best work. I’m very grateful for all of Ross’s advice and guidance and will take that knowledge with me as I continue my photography passion. A truly unforgettable experience.

by Jon Sabol

This was a trip of a life time, it did not disappoint. The crew and guides were amazing, always there to assist you in any of your needs. The guides knowledge of the area and wildlife was awesome. Every day was a new adventure and just got better and better. Thank you Oceanwide for giving me a fantastic trip.

Fantastic trip with a great company which did everything it could to have us see and experience the Falklands, South Georgia, Orkney's, and Antarctic Peninsula. Crew and guides on Hondius were incredible in making everything run smoothly on board and ashore.

by John Brower

Oceanwide Expeditions on Hondius was an incredible trip. Amazing in every way possible, the excursions on land to the zodiac rides, the landscapes and wildlife are unforgettable. But the highlight is the crew, the expedition guides make the trip what it is. Their knowledge and energy are unmatched. One guide in particular, a strapping young lad named Ross Wheeler. His knowledge of photography, birds, and whales are top notch and his willingness to share and teach are obvious. Truly and #1 guide at the #1 company in Antarctica. Thank you Oceanwide.

by Luis Ruedas

Excelente viaje en un barco de expedición con un equipo inmejorable.

We had a pretty rough trip with multiple storms with high winds. This made it extremely challenging for the expedition team to get us landings. But I am extremely confident they got us ashore as often as possible, in the best places available in the conditions, and kept us safe. Great job Team!
