My first trip to the Antarctic Peninsula but not my last!
durch Chris Wade
Abreise in March 2018
durch Chris Wade
Abreise in March 2018
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Ortelius
Aktivitäten: Wandern an der Küste, Schneeschuhwandern, Eselspinguin, Buckelwal
The trip was amazing - far beyond my wildest dreams. The organisation was faultless; the Crew were pleasant, helpful and efficient; the Expedition Staff were true professionals and fun to be with; and the ship was a dream to be on. All the trips were well co-ordinated and the talks / lectures were all really interesting. I was truly inspired by it all , so much so that I have persuaded my cousin from Hobart in Tasmania to come back with me in 2020 to Antarctica (I am one of the Yorkshire members on our trip!). I hope to get to the Arctic maybe next year to check out the wildlife there, and hopefully see some of the team from Ortelius there too. I will be giving some presentations of the pics and videos etc from the trip soon and will make sure I give a good push to the need to protect that fragile environment and its wildlife. It will me my mission. I will spread the good word re OE's and hope to create interest in visiting the area in a sustainable and non-damaging way. See you again and Thanks to all concerned for a memorable trip.
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