Prion Island

Prion Island

Region: Antarktis

Reiseziele: Südgeorgien

Prion Island

Found in the Bay of Isles of South Georgia, Prion Island is a 2.4 km-long sanctuary for a variety of sea-birds and seals. Charted in 1912 and 1913, the island was named by the American naturalist Robert Cushman Murphy because of the Prions he spotted in the area.

Prion Island: home to the Wandering Albatross

A visit to Prion Island is a treat for wildlife lovers. Bird-lovers are going to be spoiled as they’ll have the chance to spot any and all of the following:

And you’re likely to find Antarctic Fur Seals and Southern Elephant Seals hanging out on the ground with the Penguins.

7 facts about Prion Island

  • Prion Island is a restricted site and has strict guidelines for visitors.
  • The island is rat-free, which makes it a relatively safe haven for bird species to lay their eggs.
  • A boardwalk was built on the island for visitors. Visitors may only walk on the boardwalk. This is to keep people from trampling the vegetation as well as the burrows of the Prions and Petrels.
  • People can only visit the island for 5 hours at a time.
  • Only 50 people are allowed on shore at a time.
  • Only 2 ships can visit the island per day.

The island is completely closed off to visitors from the 20th of November through to the 7th of January in order to let the Wandering Albatrosses find and settle with their partner on the nest without disturbance.

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