Diese Reise war für mich in jeglicher Hinsicht excellent
by Dr. Christian Hertel
Departure in December 2019
by Dr. Christian Hertel
Departure in December 2019
Diese Reise war für mich in jeglicher Hinsicht excellent. Das ist natürlich zum einen das Erlebnis Antarktis als solches mit seiner ganzen Flora und Fauna, aber zum anderen auch alles "drum herum", das einfach gestimmt hat: hervorragendes Schiff, klasse Crew, tolles, aufregendes und abwechslungsreiches Programm (Landgänge, Zodiacs, Kayaking, Leben, Vorträge, Unterhaltung und Verpflegung an Bord, etc.). Die unmittelbare Einbindung der Hondius in die Suchaktion der abgestürzten C 130 Hercules hat einem direkt vor Augen geführt, wie nahe sich Glück und Unglück sein können.
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Leave your own review20 Feb - 14 Mar, 2025
•Tripcode: HDS29-25
This Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and Antarctic Peninsula cruise is an animal-lover’s dream come true. The expedition explores one of the last untamed areas on Earth – a land of ruggedly beautiful landscapes and amazingly varied wildlife.
from: 10000 USD
9 Mar - 23 Mar, 2025
•Tripcode: PLA31-25
This expansive expedition takes you into the Antarctic Circle, combining the rich animal life of the Weddell Sea with the surreal shores and islands of the Antarctic Peninsula. Such key landing sites as the legendary Elephant Island and Crystal Sound...
from: 6300 USD
10 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025
•Tripcode: OTL31-25
This Polar Circle and Antarctic Peninsula cruise passes through waters travelled by Humpback, Minke and Fin whales. Anchoring in various spots around the region, the expedition offers the chance to hike and dive in the iceberg-heavy waters.
from: 4600 USD
14 Mar - 23 Mar, 2025
•Tripcode: HDS30-25
This Antarctic Peninsula cruise delivers you into a landscape of rugged rock, pure white snow, and a fantastic variety of wildlife. Come say hello to whales, seals, and penguins.
from: 3800 USD
14 Mar - 15 Apr, 2025
•Tripcode: HDS30C25
The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.
from: 8010 USD