Sitting in Ushuaia airport headed back to the states and feeling melancholy already. George and his staff were gracious , welcoming and so informative. We were so impressed with their knowledge and skills they all have . The reception desk was always so helpful regardless of the same question being asked numerous times. They were very kind even with the silly questions . The dining team always greeted all guests with a smile and so genuine . The entire staff works so hard and understand the importance of customer service and creating memories for so many . So many names to recognize because everyone was amazing . That said my husband and I enjoyed our chat with George at lunch one day and sharing his passions with us . So personable and appreciated him taking the time . Charlotte was delightful and enjoyed the chats with her. She made us feel so welcome and really created some memories and felt like we had made a new friend . Willmore in the dining room along with Joanne and Judele always made us smile . Johnny & Dave really set up a great day for us ice climbing ! Alexis and Nic were great guides during and the time they spent allowing us to embrace all we could during that activity. Thank you again Hondius staff for embracing each guest and the passion and professionalism or what you do for Antarctica. For those of us experiencing the wonders of this trip for the first time and sharing in our excitement.

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