A Superb Antarctic Trip
durch Laura Hirst
Abreise in February 2020
durch Laura Hirst
Abreise in February 2020
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel, Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien
Schiff: MS Hondius
An outstanding trip which was everything we hoped for and more. The passionate Oceanwide Expedition leader who , with his team epitomised the spirit of expedition by ensuring, (whether permitting!) we landed safely at amazing, scenic and remote places. A personal highlight was going south to 68.14 degrees. We enjoyed wonderful land based encounters with penguins and seals and historic sites. The stunning 40 minute encounter with a humpback whale diving between our zodiacs was a moment to treasure. Capped by hot cider and a tot of rum from the 'zodiac bar' ! Excellent lectures from our highly qualified expedition staff helped us appreciate the environment we were in even more. Hondius was an excellent, comfortable vessel, with a lot of deck space for wildlife and scenery viewing, plus shell doors for speedy zodiac loading. Service and catering were high quality, we felt well looked after. We especially enjoyed 'On Deck BBQ Night', complimentary drinks, and dancing into the night surrounded by icebergs! An exceptional adventure we will treasure for the rest of our lives... Thank you
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