
782 blogposts found






PLA12-23, trip log, Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland, Aurora Borealis

Three massive fin whales had gracefully breached the surface and our attention was immediately drawn to this amazing natural spectacle.

HDSXX23, trip log, North Spitsbergen - Kvitoya - Farthest North

We were amazed by the sheer numbers of birds on the water, on the cliffs, and in the air. The vast majority of the birds were Brünnichs guil

HDS11x23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen - Kvitoya, In the realm of polar bear & ice

We were just finishing breakfast when Marcel, our expedition leader, made the long-awaited announcement: "Friends, we have just spotted a po

PLA11-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen - Kvitoya, in the realm of polar bear & ice

Searching for polar bears feels a bit like finding a needle in a haystack, but we know that they are here and with yellowish colored fur.

Whales, South Georgia, and Bill Smith

Bill frequently raises money for SGHT through his drawings, which are focused on South Georgia and polar expedition travel.

HDS10x23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of polar bear & ice

The serene atmosphere and remnants of past whaling activities evoke contemplation about humanity's relationship with nature.

PLA09-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen - in the realm of polar bear & ice

Being in the pack ice, hearing it move, seeing the colors, and feeling the magical atmosphere at the top of the globe is a unique experience

HDS09-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of polar bear & ice, Cleaning th

From the Zodiacs, the glacier front provided a dramatic and awe-inspiring view, a testament to the power and beauty of nature.

PLA08-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen - in the realm of polar bear & ice

Fin whales are the second largest animal in the world, only a few meters shorter than a blue whale, and we could clearly hear its blow as it

Svalbard vs. the Canadian Arctic

Svalbard and the Canadian Arctic vary in terms of what they offer expedition travelers. They offer similar scenery, but their remoteness and

PLA07-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen - in the realm of polar bear & ice

The beauty was all around us! The Arctic landscape was so stunning and diverse.

HDS06-23, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of polar bear & ice

Cubs were extremely curious and playful which led to a very exciting sighting.

PLA06-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & pack ice

The pressure was on to find the true king of the Arctic. It had to be somewhere!

HDS05-23, trip log, East Spitsbergen - Summer Solstice

The short and medium hikers stayed closer to the shoreside, watching Reindeer and a Polar Fox going about their business.

PLA05-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & pack ice

To our surprise, there was a walrus lying on an ice floe just right next to our ship.

PLA04-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & birds - Summer Solst

In the afternoon we approached Raudfjorden where there still was a lot of fast ice.

Third World Cruise Awards nomination for Oceanwide Expeditions

We are honored to announce our third nomination for World’s Best Expedition Cruise Line at the third annual World Cruise Awards.

HDS04-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & pack ice

Half of us attend a lecture with Esther to learn about the history of Svalbard, while the other half of us make a landing on Signehamna, and

PLA03-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & pack ice

After departing Longyearbyen, we sailed overnight in a very calm sea towards the fjord where we would undertake our first activities: St. Jo

HDS01-23, trip log, Arctic Ocean Expedition

As we land, Fair Island’s incredible birdlife welcomes us ashore with Arctic terns, fulmars, kittiwakes and puffins.

PLA02-23, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear & pack ice

Our Expedition Leader Ali announced a polar bear sighting! Excited by the news, everyone rushed to the decks.
