
793 blogposts found






PLA22-19, trip log, Antarctica

We started the morning with a delicious buffet breakfast and then headed to the lounge where Sara talked to us about penguins. Her lecture w

Our Third Consecutive Landing at Snow Hill Island

For the third time in as many years, Oceanwide Expeditions has achieved helicopter landings at Snow Hill Island, hiking our passengers to th

Publieksdag Expedities Spitsbergen 2015/2020 - Poolshoogte nemen!

Een nieuwe grote Nederlandse wetenschappelijke expeditie naar Spitsbergen staat weer in de steigers. Na het grote succes van SEES 2015 zulle

Greenland: Land of Superlatives

On September 16th, I flew to Iceland and spent an evening in Reykjavik, then crossed the island for the town of Akureyri the next day.

OTL21-19, trip log, Antarctic Peninsula - Basecamp

Today was a day of wonders. Starting in Neko Harbour, the wind was threatening to prevent us loading or landing the zodiacs. As we waited, t

A Veteran Guide: Interview with Arjen Drost

Arjen Drost has been a guide for Oceanwide Expeditions for nearly twenty years. And as any polar traveler can tell you, that’s a lot of wate

Sights and Sounds of Spitsbergen Aboard the New Hondius

Looking out over the pack ice after reaching 80 degrees north, this was the moment when I really felt like I was in the Arctic.

Seven Frightfully Fun Polar Ghost Stories

As a breeding ground for ghost stories, the polar regions are tough to beat. After all, few places on the planet have claimed the lives of

The Impact of Small vs. Large Cruise Ships

The generalization that larger ships impact the environment more than smaller ships seems like such a no-brainer that if someone said it to

Conservation Connection: Oceanwide and Happywhale

According to Happywhale, conserving the oceans starts with the whales.

Eight Facts About the Rowdy, Resilient Musk Ox

Given how violent their lives can be, it may come as some surprise that musk oxen live as long as they do. Twenty years, after all, is a lon

The Most Enchanting Antarctica Cruise Islands

Whether it’s Greenland in the Arctic or Snow Hill Island in Antarctica, the bulk of our polar expeditions take place around, between, and up

HDS15-19, trip log, Scoresby Sund, Aurora Borealis

We finally start our first real day in East Greenland. After a quiet night in the sheltered fjords, we arrive early at Vikingebugt. The visi

From Teacher to Travel Guide: Interview with Ali Liddle

Being a good expedition leader isn’t just about making plans, giving briefings, and enduring the occasional sleepless night spent praying fo


To our delight, Oceanwide Expeditions has been nominated as World’s Leading Polar Expedition Operator at the 2019 World Travel Awards.

PLA16-19, trip log, Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland

Not long thereafter, we could demonstrate our newly gained knowledge when we embarked the zodiacs for our first landing at Buchananhalvøya,

Taking the Polar Plunge

There are some human activities that for many people simply defy understanding: We juggle chainsaws, we breathe fire, we fling ourselves out

Guide Tips, Testimonials, and Highlights from North Norway

Falling just inside the Arctic Circle, North Norway is a wildlife-rich span of majestic fjords, enchanting islands, and deep-forested Nordic

PLA15-19, trip log, North Spitsbergen – 82 Degrees North

We slowly made our way towards the glacier, Svitjodbreen. An impressive wall of ice in blue and white colours made up the calving front of t

Seven Tips to Get the Most out of Your Expedition Cruise

An expedition cruise you consider bland, poor, even disastrous, might be one another traveler calls the trip of a lifetime. And your apprais

HDS11-19, trip log, North and Around Spitsbergen

The second hiking option was to walk to the “hanging garden” under the cliffs of the fjord, where we spotted reindeer and a white arctic fox
