
Embark on a supreme northbound adventure

Get the ultimate northbound adventure on an Arctic cruise

Join us on an expedition cruise to the Arctic and experience a wilderness that is truly the stuff of legends.

Our Arctic cruises give you not only the chance to see some of Earth’s most exotic areas and animals but also engage in exhilarating polar activities that fully immerse you in the fascinating far-north world.

These activities include kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, ski mountaineering, and other outdoor adventures that will ensure your Arctic cruise gives you the maximum possible contact with the surreal polar environment.

Also available on select Hondius cruises are special activities focusing on science-based topics that illuminate the wonders of the Arctic ecosystem.

Arctic expedition: what to expect?

A cruise to the Arctic means many things…

It means encountering the aurora-lit fjords of northeastern Greenland, exploring the glacial coastlines and sprawling tundra of Svalbard, and perhaps even hiking the most remote regions of Iceland.

An Arctic cruise may introduce you to polar bears, seabirds, walruses, whales, and scores of other animals – not to mention natural phenomena like the midnight sun, northern lights, and near limitless ice formations.

In summary, the Arctic offers an unforgettable experience. So join us on an Arctic cruise, where adventure is just part of the territory.

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Cruises to the Arctic

23 Days Extensive Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland - Aurora Borealis
Bis zu $5970 Rabatt

23 Days Extensive Spitsbergen - Northeast Greenland - Aurora Borealis

HDS10c25 A full circumnavigation of Spitsbergen combined with a voyage into northeast Greenland, this expansive expedition cruise explores some of the best spots in the high Arctic - including a visit to Scoresby Sund, Earth's largest fjord, along with exhilarating...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


14 Aug - 5 Sep, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

10480 USD

19 Days Extensive Arctic Ocean - North Spitsbergen Explorer
Bis zu $3316 Rabatt

19 Days Extensive Arctic Ocean - North Spitsbergen Explorer

HDS01c25 Sailing between our home port of Vlissingen and our most cherished Arctic archipelago, Svalbard, this expedition adventure visits the Scottish port of Aberdeen, the islands of Fair Isle and Jan Mayen, and the amazing Spitsbergen ice edge, giving you...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


29 Mai - 16 Jun, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

6000 USD

17 Days Extensive Arctic Ocean - North Spitsbergen Explorer
Bis zu $3220 Rabatt

17 Days Extensive Arctic Ocean - North Spitsbergen Explorer

HDS01d25 Sailing between the Scottish port of Aberdeen and our most cherished Arctic archipelago, Svalbard, this expedition adventure visits the islands of Fair Isle and Jan Mayen, and the amazing Spitsbergen ice edge, giving you the chance to search for whales,...

m/v Hondius

MS Hondius


31 Mai - 16 Jun, 2025

Liegeplätze ab:

5760 USD

Island Nordost Entdecker - Aurora Borealis , Hike & Sail– Inkl. Bus Unterstützung
Bis zu $250 Rabatt Kostenloser Transfer

Island Nordost Entdecker - Aurora Borealis , Hike & Sail– Inkl. Bus Unterstützung

Erlebe Islands abgelegene und atemberaubende Fjorde, Häfen und das Landesinnere in einer außergewöhnlichen Jahreszeit

RVR16-24 Der Norden und Osten Islands sind geprägt von kleinen Dörfern, dramatischen Küsten, engen Fjorden, Wasserfällen, geothermischen Gebieten, Vulkanen und Bergen. Wir befinden uns hier im Herzen der Natur, und die Landschaft ist atemberaubend. Dieses Reiseziel...

s/v Rembrandt Van Rijn

SV Rembrandt van Rijn


9 Okt - 15 Okt, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

auf Anfrage

Ostgrönland – Scoresby Sund – Island , Aurora Borealis, Fly & Sail

Erleben Sie das Nordlicht auf dem größten Fjord der Erde

RVR15-24 Segeln Sie auf einem historischen Dreimaster durch das größte Fjordsystem der Erde und begegnen Sie dabei exotischen arktischen Wildtieren wie Moschusochsen und Polarhasen unter dem bezaubernden Polarlicht. Zwischen den Anlandestellen, an denen wir riesige...

s/v Rembrandt Van Rijn

SV Rembrandt van Rijn


28 Sep - 9 Okt, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

6650 USD

Arctic cruise video

Latest blog and customer story

Arctic blog

The how, why, and when of visiting Greenland

We're sharing some of our insights, top tips, and must-do's for a trip to Greenland.

Mehr lesen Alle Beiträge

Arctic story

Around Spitsbergen, in the Realm of the Polar Bear & Ice

There are journeys and there are journeys. This trip is one that falls in the latter category. I look back on a fantastic experience, during which the awareness of human behavior on this vulnerable planet (and especially the Arctic) became very clear to me.

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the Arctic

Arctic cruise photos

Arctic cruise reviews

von Ronald Hijmans
This year I had been injured in an accident and hospitalized during March this year. It took a lot of time and effort to start walking again and be able to do some serious hiking. I had been on previous Oceanwide Expeditions trips and decided to book the Greenland trip to Scoresbysund in september. It turned out to be my best trip ever. To start with the ship itself and the crew. You might think this is an old and battered ship. It is not. All cabins are neat and nicely outfitted. The ship itself is sturdy and very suitable to navigate the Polar regions. Not too small, not too big. The captain and officers are very experienced. The deckhands do an excellent professional job. They are approachable and friendly. The expedition staff was amazing. Very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. The hotel management and stewards trying to do their utmost to serve you as best they can. We were lucky to have very nice weather with blue skies offering fine photo and video opportunities. We saw a lot of wildlife, four polar bears, several polar fixed, whales, seals, musk oxen, arctic hares, and various birds. On various nights we had fabulous Northern Light sightings. I can still hear the crackling of the ice, the calving of ice sheets from the glacier, the tumbling of the small icebergs, the looming big icebergs while we were driving by in our zodiacs. The landscapes were amazing, red mountains, stark black mountains covered with snow and ice, immense tundra plains with scattered skeletons of musk oxen. We also visited Ittoqqortoormiit, an Inuit settlement. School was out and all the children waving at you. No harbour so the landing was with the zodiacs. But the thing that stroke me the most was the absolute serenity of the long hikes and the kayaking. Being in touch with the landscape. That was the lifestyle experience I was looking for. I will be back. Thank you Oceanwide for a memorable experience.
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von cinzia da rozze
Second trip with Oceanwide (first was Antartica in Feb 2023). Spotless organization. Great staff and crew. Various offshore activities to choose according to own’s abilities. Staff and guides very professional, available at any time, worked around the clock to maximize the experience on and off-shore. Services on board (restaurants, facilities) very good. Excellent food.
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von Sylvia Hanno
It was a wonderful trip on a wonderful ship with an even more wonderful crew! "Chapeau" to the whole crew! I've learned so much about Plancton and saw it's intricate beauty under the microscope (thanks Chloé! And sorry Andrew: birds from now on come 2nd...😉) Lots of landings and Zodiac cruises brought us close to the amazing nature. I can highly recommend this voyage on Hondius into Antarctica!
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von laura tacchini

everything wonderfull! Please, in emergency, don't kill polar bears. Change option!

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Molto bella
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von Friederike Sturm
Fantastische Reise mit vielfältigen Eindrücken: Moschusochsen, Eisbären, Schneehasen und Polarfuchs sowie unglaubliche Landschaften täglich aufs Neue. Eine aufmerksame Crew und kompetente Führer ließen keine Wünsche offen. Besonders spannend waren die Vorträge zu unterschiedlichen Themen. Das Essen war hervorragend. Danke für die wunderbare Reise. Bewertung lesen

FAQ's about Arctic cruises

Vermeiden Sie bitte unnötige Beschädigungen der Bodenoberfläche und Vegetationsdecke, da jedwede Regeneration hier extrem langsam vonstatten geht. Entnehmen Sie keine Pflanzenproben, pflücken Sie keine Blumen. Unterlassen Sie es, Tiere zu stören und zu füttern. Achten Sie auf Ihre Aktivitäten und ob diese zu einer Verhaltensänderung der Tiere führen. Seien Sie sich bewusst, dass es Tollwut auf Spitzbergen gibt, insbesondere bei Polarfüchsen. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie sich an Stellen bewegen, an denen Vögel nisten. Wenn Vögel gestört werden und ihre Nester verlassen, werden die ungeschützten Eier schnell zu einer leichten Beute für Möwen und Füchse. Versuchen Sie, Gänse und Enten nicht zu erschrecken. An mehreren Stellen auf den Inseln findet man Kulturdenkmäler und Gegenstände wie Grabstätten, Tranöfen, Kreuze, Jagdwerkzeuge, etc. Solche Kulturdenkmäler sind in der Regel gesetzlich geschützt. Es ist rechtswidrig, solche Denkmäler zu zerstören oder von ihrem Standort zu entfernen. Nehmen Sie keine Souvenirs mit, einschließlich Wal- oder Robbenknochen, lebender oder toter Tiere, Steine, Fossilien, Pflanzen oder anderen organischen Materials.


Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Schuhe, die Sie tragen wollen, sauber geschrubbt sind, und somit keine Erdreste und Samen beherbergen können. Überprüfen Sie all Ihre Kleidung auf Erde, Samen und Insekten, insbesondere die Manschetten, Taschen, Kapuzen und alle Klettverschlüsse. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass all Ihre Geräte und Gepäckstücke sauber und frei von Erde und Samen sind. Dazu gehören auch Gehstöcke, Skistöcke und Kamera-Stative.

Alle unsere Motorschiffe und unser Segelschiff machen Arktisfahrten.

Unsere Arktisreisen finden im Sommer der nördlichen Hemisphäre statt.

Der Nordpol bildet den nördlichsten Punkt der Erde, und auf Grund der Erdneigung (relativ zur Sonne) dauern hier Tag und Nacht jeweils genau ein halbes Jahr an. Der Nordpol befindet sich dabei in der Mitte des Arktischen Ozeans und wird von Alaska, Kanada, Grönland, Spitzbergen und Russland umgeben. Es gibt verschiedene Definitionen welche Territorien genau als arktisch einzustufen sind, aber alle genannten Länder liegen unabhängig davon zumindest teilweise innerhalb der Arktis.

In der Arktis leben verschiedene Gruppen von Menschen mit zumeist eurasischem Ursprung. Dazu gehören auch eine Reihe von Naturvölkern, wie den Inuit in Grönland und Kanada oder den Yupik in Alaska und Nordostsibirien.


About Arctic cruises

From Arctic exploration to Arctic cruises

The first explorers who set foot in the Arctic must have thought they had wandered onto a different planet. But though they were certainly astonished by the dramatic scenery and rich wildlife, their main concern was finding a northern trade route to the Indies.

Instead, they discovered Svalbard, then called Spitsbergen by Dutch captain Willem Barentsz, who named the island in 1596. But unlike the early Arctic explorers, our motivation on Arctic cruises is purely for the experience.

We lead cruises to the Arctic so that our passengers can enjoy one of the last truly wild places on Earth. Remote and occasionally hostile, these areas are home to countless eye-popping sights: fiery sunsets glowing over jagged glaciers, snowy peaks reflected up from water clear as glass, and exotic seabirds streaking the bright blue sky.

And let’s not forget one of the most awe-inspiring sights you might encounter on an Arctic cruise: the polar bear.

We make our expedition cruises to the Arctic during the summer, taking advantage of the milder temperatures and long hours of daylight – yet still this ruggedly beautiful landscape recalls to our minds those first brave voyages so many centuries ago.

Things to know before your Arctic cruise

  • The Arctic is a region that extends into Canada, the US, Russia, Finland, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland.
  • Almost 4,000,000 people live in the Arctic, despite its severe conditions.
  • The name “Arctic” comes from the Greek word ἀρκτικός (pronounced “arktikos”), which means “near the bear.” This refers to one or both of two constellations in the northern sky: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
  • The Arctic Ocean is about 8,690,450 square km, larger than Europe.
  • Until recently, it was unknown whether the Arctic’s massive ice sheet was on land or water. The answer was revealed in 1958 when the submarine USS Nautilus navigated under the ice, proving it was indeed over water.
  • The coldest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic was around -68°C (-90°F) in Siberia.
  • About 7% of the world’s fresh water is contained in Arctic glaciers.

Why take a cruise to the Arctic?

Despite having some of the wildest conditions on Earth, the Arctic offers many of the planet’s once-in-a-lifetime sights. An Arctic cruise takes you to the lands of the midnight sun, polar bear, northern lights, and so much more.

On your cruise to the Arctic, you can enjoy hiking, bird watching, whale spotting, snow shoeing, and firsthand contact with awe-inspiring wildlife and history.

Depending on which Arctic trip you take, you may be able to enjoy numerous outdoors activities in some of the most iconic locations to be found. And if you’d prefer an Arctic cruise on a smaller vessel, check out our Rembrandt van Rijn voyages.

Whatever your choice, joining one of our expedition cruises to the Arctic gives you the chance to experience one of the last true wildernesses on the planet. If you have any questions about our Arctic expedition, please feel free to contact us.
