I would say a once-in-a-lifetime experience....but I'm already planning my next Oceanwide Expeditions trip!
durch Merrill O'Ryan
Abreise in February 2019
durch Merrill O'Ryan
Abreise in February 2019
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Adeliepinguin, Eselspinguin
I sailed on the m/v Plancius for the Antarctica Polar Circle voyage, and absolutely loved my experience! We chose Oceanwide because it was about the only company we found that offered scuba diving in Antarctica, but I’m so glad we did. I feel like the website does not do them justice, and they far exceeded my expectations. The rooms are quite large for an expedition vessel, and the towel warmer in the bathroom will become your most loved amenity, when showering post-landing. Expedition staff was knowledgeable and friendly…quite different from my experiences with National Geographic, where the staff tends to be standoffish. They offered quite a few lectures each day, all of which I enjoyed…even the ones outside my usual areas of interest. Most amazing of all, was the quality of the meals. The chef was fabulous, and the fruits, vegetables and greens remained fresh, even after a week plus at sea! And finally, the expedition experience itself was extraordinary. Each day, our expedition leader (Ali) was looking at ice charts, emailing other ships, and conferring with the captain to get us the best possible landings each day. And she delivered!! Get thee on Oceanwide Expeditions!
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