
One of Earth’s southernmost cities and the usual starting point for our Antarctic voyages


Ushuaia and the End of the World

The principal town of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago (nicknamed the “End of the World”) Ushuaia serves as the standard embarkation and disembarkation port for most of our Antarctic expedition cruises. It is one of three cities that claim to be the southernmost on the planet.

Ushuaia was originally founded by British missionaries in 1870 as a refuge for the Yaghan (also Yámana), the indigenous people of the Tierra del Fuego region. It is often cool and windy here, and rain is frequent, though conditions are great for exploratory walks around town before or after your voyage.

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Pier information and recommendations

There is only one pier in Ushuaia, found in the main port on Maipu Street. The entrance is opposite Lasserre Street, the government building, and Hotel Albatros. Passengers must show their vessel boarding pass to be allowed access to the pier.

The pier area is a short drive from the airport. We recommend arriving in Ushuaia a day before your voyage to allow time for flight delays, lost luggage, or other such contingencies. The vessel will not be able to wait for missing passengers or luggage.

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