Bear Island

The southernmost island in the archipelago of Svalbard, Bear Island is known for its stark beauty and precipitous bird cliffs

Bear Island

Region: Arktis

Reiseziele: Spitzbergen

Svalbard’s southerly Bear Island

Bear Island, or Bjørnøya in Norwegian, is located in the Barents Sea about 450 km (280 miles) north of Norway and about 225 km (140 miles) south of Spitsbergen. It is the most southern island of the Arctic island group of Svalbard and is characterized by a flat and lake-filled northern area in contrast to the mountainous terrain of its southern shores. Mysseryfjellet is the highest mountain in the south of Bear Island, standing 536 meters (1,758 feet).

The challenge of Bear Island

Bear Island may offer a distinct polar allure, but its fjords and bays do not make for easy landing sites, and its coastline consists mainly of steep cliffs and reefs. As such, there is no guarantee we will be able to land there, though we will always try if conditions allow. Even if we’re not able to land, viewing Bear Island from our ships or Zodiacs makes for a memorable expedition experience.

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m/v Ortelius

MS Ortelius


2 Jul - 10 Jul, 2024

Liegeplätze ab:

4600 USD
