Atlantic Odyssey incl. Antarctic Peninsula to Cape Verde

This is a combination cruise consisting of a few smaller cruises. Learn more


Atlantic Odyssey incl. Antarctic Peninsula to Cape Verde

Start – End




English speaking voyage

Embarkation / Disembarkation

Ushuaia - Praia

Nights / Days

42 nights

Group request For reservations with more than 15 guests you can contact us directly
Trips included in the combination
Cabin/berths choice is subject to availability. We can’t guarantee the exact same cabin placement on each cruise.

In search for the giants of the seas

Cruise south to the frozen southern continent. Watch as the clearing mist reveals some of the most dramatic landscapes on Earth. Experience one of the most pristine regions in the world first-hand and enjoy the possible close encounters with spouting whales, lounging seals, and the penguins that may very well be just as curious about you as you are about them. 

Dates: 23 Mar - 1 Apr, 2026
Ship: m/v Plancius
Embarkation – Disembarkation: Ushuaia – Ushuaia
Duration: 9 nights

This far-ranging expedition voyage sails the breadth of the Atlantic, visiting several of the remotest islands in the world!

The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.

Dates: 1 Apr - 24 Apr, 2026
Ship: m/v Plancius
Embarkation – Disembarkation: Ushuaia – St Helena
Duration: 23 nights

Witness the northbound spring migration

During the days at sea the chances of meeting whales are high. Witness the northbound spring migration of northern birds like Arctic Terns and Long-tailed Skuas who join us in crossing the Equator (“the Line”).

Dates: 24 Apr - 4 May, 2026
Ship: m/v Plancius
Embarkation – Disembarkation: St. Helena – Praia
Duration: 10 nights

Short description

The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.

Day 1: End of the world, start of a journey


Your voyage begins where the world drops off. Ushuaia, Argentina, reputed to be the southernmost city on the planet, is located on the far southern tip of South America. Starting in the afternoon, you embark from this small resort town on Tierra del Fuego, nicknamed “The End of the World,” and sail the mountain-fringed Beagle Channel for the remainder of the evening.


Over the next two days on the Drake Passage, you enjoy some of the same experiences encountered by the great polar explorers who first charted these regions: cool salt breezes, rolling seas, maybe even a fin whale spouting up sea spray. After passing the Antarctic Convergence – Antarctica’s natural boundary, formed when north-flowing cold waters collide with warmer sub-Antarctic seas – you are in the circum-Antarctic upwelling zone. Not only does the marine life change, the avian life changes too. Wandering albatrosses, grey-headed albatrosses, black-browed albatrosses, light-mantled sooty albatrosses, cape pigeons, southern fulmars, Wilson’s storm petrels, blue petrels, and Antarctic petrels are a few of the birds you might see.

Gray stone peaks sketched with snow, towers of broken blue-white ice, and dramatically different wildlife below and above. You first pass the snow-capped Melchior Islands and Schollaert Channel, sailing between Brabant and Anvers Islands.

Sites you may visit include:  
Danco Island – Activities here may focus on the gentoo penguins nesting on the island, in addition to the Weddell and crabeater seals that can be found nearby.

Neko Harbour – An epic landscape of mammoth glaciers and endless wind-carved snow, Neko Harbour offers opportunities for a Zodiac cruise and landing that afford the closest views of the surrounding alpine peaks.
Paradise Bay – You may be able to take a Zodiac cruise in these sprawling, ice-flecked waters, where there’s a good chance you’ll encounter humpback and minke whales.

Pléneau & Petermann Islands – If the ice allows it, you could sail through the Lemaire Channel in search of Adélie penguins and blue-eyed shags. There is also a possibility you’ll encounter humpback and minke whales here, as well as leopard seals.

Port Lockroy – After sailing through the Neumayer Channel, you may get a chance to visit the former British research station – now a museum and post office – of Port Lockroy on Goudier Island. You may also be able to partake in activities around Jougla Point, meeting gentoo penguins and blue-eyed shags. 
At the nearby sites, such as Damoy Point there may be the opportunity for snowshoeing to the old ski-way, this is also one of our favourite camping sites.

Wilhelmina Bay & Guvernøren  – This is a great place to spot humpback whales. You also may embark on a Zodiac cruise ending at the ghostly wreck of the Guvernøren, a whaling vessel that caught fire here in 1915. Around the Melchior Islands, amid a frozen landscape peopled with icebergs, you may encounter even more whales, leopard seals, and crabeater seals.

Conditions on the Drake Passage determine the exact time of departure.

Your return voyage is far from lonely. While crossing the Drake, you’re again greeted by the vast array of seabirds remembered from the passage south. But they seem a little more familiar to you now, and you to them.


Every adventure, no matter how grand, must eventually come to an end. It’s now time to disembark in Ushuaia, but with memories that will accompany you wherever your next adventure lies.


Your voyage begins where the world drops off: Ushuaia, Argentina, said to be the southernmost city on the planet, located on the far southern tip of South America. Starting in the afternoon, we embark from this small resort town on Tierra del Fuego (nicknamed “The End of the World”) and sail the mountainous Beagle Channel for the rest of the evening.


Today we are en route to South Georgia. After passing the Antarctic Convergence, which is a natural boundary formed when north-flowing cold waters collide with warmer sub-Antarctic waters, we enter the circum-Antarctic upwelling zone. Not only does the marine life change, the bird life changes, too: A variety of albatrosses and petrels show up, along with Cape pigeons and southern fulmars. 


Our aim today is to visit some of the world’s top king penguin rookeries. This time of year you have a good chance of seeing these animals nesting on eggs, with their chicks nearby. The rookeries are sometimes overflowing, with penguins traveling to and from the beach.

Possible visits in this region include:

Salisbury Plain, St. Andrews Bay, Gold Harbour – Here you can see not only the massive king penguin colony, but also elephant seals and limitless fur seal pups playing in the surf.

Grytviken – We also have the opportunity to check out this abandoned whaling station, where king penguins walk the streets and elephant seals lie around like they own the place – because they basically do! You might also see the South Georgia Museum as well as Shackleton’s grave here.

Cooper Bay – This is a fine place for a Zodiac cruise, and this bay also houses a rookery of macaroni penguins. King penguins, pintails, and giant petrels may also appear here.

Moltke Harbour – Located in Royal Bay, this scenic spot gives you the chance to see the huge king penguin colony that lives here. 


A pleasant tailwind often accompanies the vessel through the westerlies, and on both sides of the Antarctic Convergence, you might see large numbers of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds.


Today we plan to approach Gough Island for a Zodiac cruise in Quest Bay, if the weather permits. Here you might see northern rockhopper penguins and sub-Antarctic fur seals. In previous years, it has been possible for us to circumnavigate most of Gough Island’s 33-mile circumference, taking in this area’s splendid scenery and abundant wildlife.


The remote islands of Tristan da Cunha are famed for their plentiful bird populations, which include rockhopper penguins, several species of albatross, petrels, skuas, terns, and many others. Our goal during this stage of our voyage is to visit the small settlement on the west side of the main island, but we might also land at Seal Bay on the south side of Tristan da Cunha or at Sandy Point on the east side.

In these stunning locations, you could encounter such exotic wildlife as yellow-nosed albatrosses and sub-Antarctic fur seals, all while exploring a rarely visited spot. We also intend to land at Nightingale Island and Inaccessible Island, both of which offer great views of beautiful seabirds ranging from yellow-nosed albatrosses to brown noddies.

Two days are reserved at Tristan da Cunha in case of bad weather, but please remember that nature determines our itineraries here: Since beginning the Atlantic Odyssey cruise in 1998, adverse weather led to the cancellation of 35% of Tristan da Cunha landings. If we have to divert for safety reasons, we will find good alternatives.


Seabirds and dolphins indigenous to this region often follow the vessel.


After we land at Jamestown on Saint Helena Island, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the area’s local culture, pleasant climate, and endemic bird life. You can pay a visit to Longwood House, where Napoleon died in exile; walk the 699-step Jacob’s Ladder, if you’re feeling ambitious; or snorkel the shallows offshore, seeing multitudes of tropical and subtropical fish. 

Please note: You have the option to disembark and fly home from Jamestown, if flights are available. In the evening, we will depart for Ascension Island and Praia, Cape Verde, where you can also disembark. Make sure to book voyage PLA33-26 if you want to fly out from Praia.


Our voyage starts in Jamestown, a uniquely situated city that offers much to see before we set sail. Enjoy the local British culture, tropical climate, and endemic birds of this remote volcanic island. You can visit Longwood House, where Napoleon died in 1821, and even walk the 699-step Jacob’s Ladder if you feel ambitious. If you have more time, you can also go on small hikes or snorkeling in the shallows, seeing multitudes of tropical and subtropical fish.


Today we aim to sail along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the sprawling submarine mountain range that runs about 16,000 km (10,000 miles) from the Arctic Ocean toward the southern tip of Africa. Join us for stargazing on the aft deck, where we will show you the many highlights of the equatorial sky. Weather permitting, these celestial wonders can be seen with binoculars or even with the naked eye.


Joining us across the equator are Arctic terns and long-tailed skuas flying their northbound spring migration. At this stage of the voyage, we will hope for good weather as we attempt more stargazing on deck, observing how the polar star becomes visible on the northern horizon.


We will sail by Ilhéus do Rombo and Sao Filipe on Fogo Island, offering a chance to spot some of the Western Palearctic species. This provides an excellent opportunity to observe diverse bird species and enjoy the scenic views of the island from the water.


We arrive in the town of Praia on Cape Verde’s Santiago Island, disembarking later that day at 18:00 hours. Though no lunch will be served, you are free to stay on board or store your luggage until disembarkation. If you have the time, we offer an additional tour in and around Praia. Here you can visit the historic Cidade Velha and its massive hillside fortress, built to defend against English raiders. Other sights include the oldest Christian church in the tropics as well as the slave whipping post in the main square. You can also simply explore the streets of Praia, enjoying the folk music spilling out of tavern windows.

Please contact us directly if you are interested in sailing on to Madeira after the conclusion of your Odyssey voyage. We can refer you to our partner who offers this unique connecting trip between Praia and Funchal, which offers further birdwatching opportunities in the Atlantic Ocean.

m/v Plancius

Our most longstanding vessel, Plancius is a classic choice for some of our most popular polar voyages. Full ship info »

Cabins & Prices

Prices are displayed with discounts applied if you book berths or cabins on all cruises.


Quadruple Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 upper & lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • This cabin is suitable for families traveling with children, or passengers who do not require a twin or more luxurious cabin

Sharing berth

6030 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

6700 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

14940 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

16600 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

12699 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

14110 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

7470 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

8300 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Window

  • Cabin size between 12,5 m² and 13,5 m²
  • 1 window
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

15750 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

17500 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

13388 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

14875 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

7875 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

8750 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Deluxe

  • Cabin size 13,5 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • These cabins are corner cabins and are slightly more spacious than the normal twin porthole/window cabins

Complete cabin

16920 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

18800 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

14382 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

15980 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

8460 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

9400 USD

Sorry, berth is not available


  • Cabin size between 21 m² and 23 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 1 double bed
  • 1 sofa bed
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Refrigerator
  • Coffee & tea maker
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

18090 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

20100 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

15377 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

17085 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Quadruple Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 upper & lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • This cabin is suitable for families traveling with children, or passengers who do not require a twin or more luxurious cabin

Sharing berth

8145 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

9050 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Sharing berth

10215 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

11350 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Window

  • Cabin size between 12,5 m² and 13,5 m²
  • 1 window
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

21330 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

23700 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

18131 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

20145 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

10665 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

11850 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Deluxe

  • Cabin size 13,5 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • These cabins are corner cabins and are slightly more spacious than the normal twin porthole/window cabins

Complete cabin

23130 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

25700 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

19661 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

21845 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

11565 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

12850 USD

Sorry, berth is not available


  • Cabin size between 21 m² and 23 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 1 double bed
  • 1 sofa bed
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Refrigerator
  • Coffee & tea maker
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

24750 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

27500 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

21038 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

23375 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Quadruple Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 upper & lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • This cabin is suitable for families traveling with children, or passengers who do not require a twin or more luxurious cabin

Sharing berth

2205 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

2450 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Porthole

  • Cabin size 12 m²
  • 1 porthole
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Sharing berth

2925 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

3250 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Window

  • Cabin size between 12,5 m² and 13,5 m²
  • 1 window
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

6030 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

6700 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

5126 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

5695 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

3015 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

3350 USD

Sorry, berth is not available

Twin Deluxe

  • Cabin size 13,5 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 2 lower berths
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Hair dryer
  • Ample storage space
  • Safe deposit box
  • These cabins are corner cabins and are slightly more spacious than the normal twin porthole/window cabins

Complete cabin

6570 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

7300 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

5585 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

6205 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Sharing berth

3285 USD

Share your cabin with others for the best price.

3650 USD

Sorry, berth is not available


  • Cabin size between 21 m² and 23 m²
  • 2 windows
  • 1 double bed
  • 1 sofa bed
  • Private shower & toilet
  • Desk & chair
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Telephone & WiFi (supplemented)
  • Refrigerator
  • Coffee & tea maker
  • Hair dryer
  • Safe deposit box
  • Ample storage space

Complete cabin

7110 USD

Price for the complete cabin, fully occupied.

7900 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available

Single cabin

6044 USD

Price for the complete cabin occupied by 1 person (1.7x the shared rate).

6715 USD

Sorry, cabin is not available