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A Photo-Tour of our Cruise Ship the m/v Plancius

by Daniel Fox Blog

Welcome aboard the Plancius! She was originally named the Hr. Ms. Tydeman and was built as an oceanographic research vessel for the royal Dutch Navy in 1976.

A Photo-Tour of our Cruise Ship the m/v Plancius

1. Welcome aboard the Plancius!

2. She was originally named the Hr. Ms. Tydeman and was built as an oceanographic research vessel for the royal Dutch Navy in 1976.

3. Oceanwide bought her and completely rebuilt her for passenger comfort and safety in 2009.

4. She’s 89 metres long and 14.5 metres at her widest.

5. It’s all state-of-the-art on the bridge.

6. Here is one of our Plancius Captains. Meet Captain Evgeny Levakov.

7. Passengers enjoy fine dining onboard the Plancius.

8. And the observation lounge doubles as a lecture hall where field experts (history, geology, environmental studies, etc.) fill you in on what you’re going to experience during your expedition.

9. Safety is obviously a high priority when one is off on an adventure.

10. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like inside a safety evacuation vessel, now you know.

11. We also take great care in making sure you’re comfortable boarding our Zodiacs (the boats that get you from ship to shore).

12. And you’re off!

13. The crew of the Plancius are always on the lookout for a sheltered bay that offers a comfortable anchor spot combined with easy accessible shores.

14. The emphasis of Oceanwide’s voyages is always on getting you as much time as possible on shore, within easy reach of interesting features or wildlife.

15. Just don’t blame us if the wildlife chooses to investigate you right back.

16. And it’s not our fault if you run out of camera memory space on account of being surrounded by spectacular views everywhere.

17. But don’t worry, our crack crew and staff is always ready to warm you up even after such chilling sights.

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