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Three Antarctica Cruise Deals

by Oceanwide Expeditions Blog

Regionen: Antarktis

The call (and cost) of Antarctica cruises

For many travelers, Antarctica epitomizes the polar regions. Its sprawling white landscapes yield an almost limitless supply of otherworldly vistas, much of its wildlife can be found nowhere else on the planet, and its complete lack of an indigenous human population imparts a sense of pristine seclusion few other locations can provide.

But while embarking on an Antarctica cruise can be a life-changing experience, it can also be a bank-breaking proposition – though it doesn’t have to be. Here are three cruise deals, each offering their own unique experience, that will provide you the Antarctic adventure youve been dreaming about while minimizing the likelihood youll have to take out another mortgage to afford it.

1. Antarctica by air: Weddell Sea cruise (including helicopters)

Penguins dont fly, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay grounded. Our Weddell Sea cruise provides you a bird’s-eye-view of some of the most dramatic landscapes in the Weddell Sea, in addition to likely encounters with emperor and Adélie penguin rookeries.

But although this voyage provides you the opportunity for truly rare sightings of terrain that is otherwise inaccessible, it’s important to remember that weather calls the shots in the polar regions – especially when you’re flying in it. Rough conditions sometimes keep our interests closer to the ground, embarking on land-based activities rather than air.

2. The grand Antarctica tour: Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Antarctic Peninsula

For travelers who want to enjoy the most wide-ranging series of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic destinations, this trip was made for you. Our expansive Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Antarctic Peninsula cruise goes light on activities so it can go heavy on travel, delivering you to numerous locations chosen for their distinct scenery and wildlife.

You’ll meet upwards of six different penguin species, visit the historic Falklands capital of Stanley, walk the breathtakingly picturesque shores of South Georgia, and conclude with a thorough expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula itself. By the time you return, you’ll indeed be a newly minted Antarctic explorer.

3. Activity-centered expeditions: Basecamp cruises to Antarctica and the Arctic

We are pleased to say our signature Basecamp cruises have always been a hit, though it’s not hard to see why. After all, they exemplify what’s best about our trips, taking our focus on firsthand exploration to a whole new level by providing multiple activities that fully immerse you in the polar environment.

And since all Basecamp activities are included in the price of the booking, you can enjoy them without the additional cost or hassle of adding supplements. No other voyage gives you such a simultaneously streamlined yet expansive range of both outdoor and onboard activities.

Depending on whether you take an Antarctic or Arctic cruise, you can enjoy such activities as kayaking, mountaineering, photo workshops, hiking / snowshoeing, and even camping, in addition to our standard shoreline walks and Zodiac excursions.

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