Outstanding in every way
durch Michael Wims
Abreise in November 2019
durch Michael Wims
Abreise in November 2019
Of the 25 voyages we have taken, this was the best. The ship's crew and staff were outstanding, friendly and caring. The food was the best we've had on a ship. Although every ship we've been on has provided for our vegan no/oil diet, this was the best food we've experienced on any ship. The chef went out of his way to prepare exceptional meals and at every dinner the other passengers had at least three choices for dinner. I heard nothing but compliments for the food. Every expedition leader was an expert in some aspect of Antarctica, from animals to icebergs to early explorers and their lectures we very interesting and informative. Each stop in Antarctica was interesting and fun. It was especially nice to be given a copy of the slide show the crew/staff produced of our expedition featuring stunning photos of this expedition and of the passengers on the expedition. Highly recommended.
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