Life Changing Expedition
durch Todd DiCello
Abreise in February 2020
Region: Das ultimative Antarktis-Abenteuer
Reiseziele: Polarkreis, Südliche Orkneyinseln, Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien
Schiff: MS Hondius
Although it's impossible to sum up our Oceanwide trip on Hondius from Ushuaia to The Falklands/Malvinas, South Georgia, South Orkneys, Elephant Island, South Shetlands and the Antarctic Peninsula below the Antarctic Circle to 68.7 deg South Latitude in a few short sentences, I can say that having now traveled extensively on all 7 continents, this journey was filled with as much wonder, wildlife, education, mind-blowing scenery, incredible people and life-changing experiences as any journey I've ever been on. The Oceanwide staff from the Captain to the hotel and galley crew were amazing, without exception. I can't recommend this trip, or Oceanwide with enough enthusiasm in writing. All I can say is, "GO!"
Auf einer unserer Reisen gewesen?
Bewertung schreiben20 Feb - 14 Mär, 2025
•Reisecode: HDS29-25
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von: 10000 USD
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von: 8010 USD
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The Atlantic Odyssey cruise visits some of the remotest islands in the world, crossing the migratory paths of Arctic Terns, Long-tailed Skuas, other birds, and a variety of whales as they make their annual expeditions north for the breeding season.
von: 10125 USD