durch Yvette Hes
Abreise in December 2019
durch Yvette Hes
Abreise in December 2019
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel, Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien
Schiff: MS Plancius
This trip of a lifetime is not cheap but then again its worth every penny! The expedition team is superb and try to make your trip the best depending on the circumstances. All the staff on the boat are highly professional and I especially want to compliment Szuszanna, Anna, Charlotte and Raquel.The food was truly divine, surpassed all my expectations (as vegetarian it really was good, lots of variety). I did have issues with the heat in the room though, it really was suffocating at times (heater was off). The bed is nice and shower is perfect. I was surprised by how old the audience on our trip was and in some cases their lack of fitness. As this trip certainly is not without risks and I feel there was not done enough to keep the other guests sticking to these safety rules (eg no slippers and wildlife rules). Fortunately we had no incidents but I believe this is mainly due to the great weather conditions and luck. I recommend a more strict policy towards guests on safety as they may endanger the trip for others. Internet in the form of wifi is not working correctly, 100Mb gone in 1 day where the phone indicated not even 1/4 used. Also entertainment system was offline whole trip.
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