Jackpot Cruise to Falklands, S Georgia & Antarctica
durch Andrew Gellert
Abreise in February 2017
durch Andrew Gellert
Abreise in February 2017
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Südliche Orkneyinseln, Antarktische Halbinsel, Falklandinseln, Südgeorgien
Schiff: MS Plancius
Outstanding 19 days. Fabulous expedition leader David Berg and Assistant Katja Riedel. All the expedition guides gave of their all with hugely informative lectures, great zodiac cruises and careful attention to safety and also respect for wildlife and the environment. The hotel team on board were delightful - imagine that all the cabin staff and dining room staff knew all guests' names from the start. The Hungarian chef oversaw the provision of really excellent food. When we were threatened with a perilous storm near the S Orkneys Mr Berg, Expedition Leader, courageously changed all the plans and took us south along the peninsula early, and found three days of pure sunshine and magical vistas, breaching whales, and breathtaking sunsets. Even the Drake was calm and we got to see Cape Horn too. We were blessed with exceptional wildlife viewing. Hundreds of thousands of King Penguins at Salisbury Plain in South Georgia, an albatross colony at Saunders Island in the Falklands, Fin whales, Orcas, Peale's dolphin, diving and spy hopping humpback whales off Enterprise Island and a leopard seal kill at half Moon Island. The trip was outstanding: it touched our souls.
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Klassische Antarktis einschließlich Deception-Island
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