
A jewel in the Atlantic with a landscape full of legends

Even though it’s named Iceland, the island is in fact only covered by ice for up to 10% of its surface area. The rest of the island’s geography is still being formed by its active volcanoes. 

Despite its proximity to the Arctic Circle Iceland enjoys surprisingly mild winters at its southern end thanks to the North Atlantic and Irminger Currents. Southern end temperatures range around 0°C during the winter. However the north end temperatures can drop much further to -25°C.

Arctic Foxes are the only mammals indigenous to Iceland; all other mammals arrived with the settlement of humans on the island. While there is an occasional Polar Bear, they are considered visitors from Spitsbergen and Greenland, and there is not considered to be any sort of Icelandic Polar Bear population. 

The seas however are full of life, fisheries playing a major role in Iceland’s economy. These fish are part of the food chain that feeds local Harbour and Grey Seals and Whales. Birds are numerous along Iceland’s shores, and the species include Kittiwakes, Puffins, and Skuas.

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Cruises to Iceland

22 Days Extensive Arctic Ocean – Northwest Iceland - Spitsbergen Explorer
Hasta US$5190 de descuento

Explorador del Noreste de Islandia, Aurora Boreal, Caminata y Navegación - Incl. autobús de vuelta

12 oct. - 18 oct., 2025

Código del viaje: RVR16-25

  • EN

El norte y el este de Islandia se caracterizan por sus pequeños pueblos, costas espectaculares, fiordos estrechos, cascadas, zonas geotérmicas, volcanes y montañas. Aquí estamos en plena naturaleza, y el paisaje es impresionante. Este destino ofrece...

Explorador del Noroeste de Islandia - En el hielo compacto

29 may. - 5 jun., 2026

Código del viaje: HDS02-26

  • EN

Adéntrese en un mundo de mitología nórdica, costas salvajes y dramáticas, y miles de aves marinas en su viaje desde Islandia, cruzando el Círculo Polar Ártico y encontrándose con los bordes del hielo marino, con buenas posibilidades de ver focas, ballenas...

Océano Ártico - Jan Mayen, Borde del hielo, Spitsbergen, Observación de aves

5 jun. - 13 jun., 2026

Código del viaje: HDS03-26

Viaje desde las costas volcánicas de Islandia hasta los fiordos helados y los picos nevados de Spitsbergen, cruzando el Círculo Polar Ártico, visitando la remota Jan Mayen, con su rica vida de aves marinas, y siguiendo el borde del hielo a medida que...

Último blog e historia de un cliente

Arctic blog

Secretos del búho nival: hábitat, adaptaciones y otros datos

El búho nival (Bubo scandiacus), también conocido como gran búho blanco o búho ártico, es una de las especies de aves más características del planeta. Aunque no se encuentran en todas las zonas del Ártico -no existen en Svalbard por falta de lemmings-, se ven en las regiones polares de Eurasia y Norteamérica y son un visitante potencial durante los cruceros por Groenl

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Iceland cruise reviews

por Pam Hollis
Fabulous trip. Expedition is the way to enjoy the out of doors
por Sylvia Hanno
It was a wonderful trip on a wonderful ship with an even more wonderful crew! "Chapeau" to the whole crew! I've learned so much about Plancton and saw it's intricate beauty under the microscope (thanks Chloé! And sorry Andrew: birds from now on come 2nd...😉) Lots of landings and Zodiac cruises brought us close to the amazing nature. I can highly recommend this voyage on Hondius into Antarctica!
por ShaSha Ma
服务热情 氛围很好 探险队很专业
por vivienne arkell
I sailed with a private hire which was brilliant and extended the trip to navigate around Svalbard with Oceanwide which was very different but also brilliant. fantastic team and captain Per and Sarah as manager. Everyone so professional. Food outstanding
por Gail Klispie

Trip far exceeded our expectations. The expedition guides and the Doctor Moniek were very knowledgeable, patient, kind, and wonderful. We got to know them fairly well. it was hard to say goodbye at the end of the trip. The places we went , the scenery we saw, hiked over and through, was truly new unspoiled, uncharted territory. Best ever trip and I share the experience with everyone and recommend this trip and others that Oceanwide offers
