
Craving a polar trip that will give you the utmost outdoor adventure? Then our Basecamp concept is for you, offering the widest possible range of engaging activities


The amazing activities of the Basecamp voyage

Going on a polar expedition cruise is an adventure in itself, providing you an almost endless array of exotic wildlife, dramatic landscapes, and invigorating outdoor activities.

But our signature Basecamp voyages take it to another level.

These activity centered trips immerse you in the polar regions with several core outdoor activities: Kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, mountaineering, photo workshops, even camping under the Antarctic stars are all options on these incredible cruises.

No longer do you have to worry about trip packages limiting your activity options. Basecamp voyages give them all to you in the price of your berth.

What exactly the Basecamp concept means

In essence, we use our vessel as the Basecamp from which to launch activities we only selectively offer on other voyages. This allows you to focus on a few particular areas, going deep with activities that will bring you into close contact with the surreal polar environment.

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The vessel stays for two or three days at certain locations to serve as a comfortable hub for activities. Some activities are offered in the Arctic and Antarctica, others are specific to region:

  • Hiking and snowshoeing for an expanded version of our shoreline walks
  • Kayaking and Zodiac cruises, which allow you to explore waterways away from the ship
  • Photo workshops for practical on-site training led by professional photographers
  • Mountaineering (Antarctica), which provide soft climbs of nearby ranges
  • Camping (Antarctica) for a night spent under the open polar skies. The expedition leader will do their best to ensure the camping activity takes place. But if local circumstances prevent us from camping on shore, we may attempt to camp on the open decks of the ship.

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Basecamp voyages let you choose your own adventure

If you prefer a less physically active day, you can simply enjoy our regular Zodiac excursions and shore program, which includes easy to moderate walks and wildlife hikes. Assuming safe local conditions, the choice is yours how you wish to enjoy your polar expedition.

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What makes a polar trip an Oceanwide adventure

Our goal has always been to provide maximum firsthand contact with polar terrain and wildlife, and outdoor activities are our favorite ways of doing so. But while our Basecamp trips are heavy on said activities, some things about our voyages always stay the same.

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Our expert team of international guides, for example, will always share their enthusiasm and knowledge with you through lectures, briefings, and excursions. Some of these folks are also scientists, providing fascinating lectures on biology, glaciology, geology, and other such topics.

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You will also be safe and well cared for by our crew and hospitality staff, all of whom will make sure that what little time you spend on the ship will be entertaining and comfortable.

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