Røde ø

Røde Ø, also known as Red Island, located in the interior of Scoresbysund is a beautiful spot in Greenland that’s just perfect for admiring the white and blue beauty of passing ice bergs.

Røde ø

Region: Arktis

Reiseziele: Grönland

Røde Ø

Røde Ø, also known as Red Island, located in the interior of Scoresbysund is a beautiful spot in Greenland that’s just perfect for admiring the white and blue beauty of passing ice bergs.

Exploring Røde Ø

Oddly enough, the landscapes that greet visitors to Røde Ø often remind them of the American Southwest, or even Mars. It is not surprising as the “Old Red” sandstone was formed by sediments in an area covering both the present day American Southwest and Northeast Greenland. The name “Red Island” is apt – the rocky slopes of the island’s hills are quite red, filled with sandstone bright with colours one would normally expect from a desert region.

The red stone makes for a beautiful contrast to the pristine blue and white of the passing ice bergs, of which there are many. A Zodiac ride can take you closer to the giant ships of ice which are numerous enough to form a virtual maze of ice and snow.

With the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet and glaciers, more and more ice bergs are calving each year, brought to the waters around Røde Ø to rest before they melt away as small trickling waterfalls and split apart with surprisingly loud cracks and groans.

Greenland cruise passengers may also zip ashore and take a short hike up the hills to get a more elevated view of Røde Ø’s breathtaking landscapes.

Røde Ø cruises

Would you like to check out the startling beauty of Rode Ø? Join us on one of the cruises listed below.

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