Antarctica Dec 2021 Hondius
por David Fletcher
Salida en December 2021
por David Fletcher
Salida en December 2021
Región: Antártida
Destinos: Península Antártica
Barco: El Hondius
Destacados: Kayak, Campamento base, Foca cangrejera, Ballena jorobada, Orca, Ballena Minke, Escribano nival, Foca gris, Delfín austral
Trip was great for me but could been better for other passengers who wanted to kayak and couldn't. Kayaking had 4 day option frankly more days than I wanted. At first meeting their werea equal number of waiting list passengers there who were told sorry, during gear assignment few passengers waiting to see if they could go but no. I spoke to the guide tell him they could go on days I was not and was told they got it handled. Spoke to passengers later who said they were told they could go. You have far more happy passengers if you lessen the price and gave 2 groups 2 day slots. Furthermore at the beginning no advance information given. I told kayak guide I'd be kayaking the next day not knowing camping was the night before. Got back from camping about the time kayaking group was leaving (no way) when told told guide he was bit passed at me because he had already had kayak in the water for me. Recommendation 1. place handled sanitizer station just I side diningroom not just outside 1 of 2 doors. 2. Extra hooks in cabin to dry things. 3. On crossing I standed in my cabin a lot. It would had been great if lecture in lounge was broadcast on cabin TV.
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Comentarios de Oceanwide Expeditions
Many thanks for your comments regarding the kayaking. There are some matters which will be followed up with the onboard team. Your suggestion regarding the number of excursions is noted however, from experience we know that changing paddlers can have a negative effect on the experience of others that want to get the most from the supplemented kayak program. We constantly review our activities on offer and will revisit the prospect of having single paddle excursions on selected voyages.
Regarding the hand sanitizer in the dining room. We double checked with the hotel manager on board Hondius, and he confirmed that there are indeed hand sanitizers at each door, as well as a mobile hand sanitizer inside the restaurant in front of the wine fridge, and two more at the end of the buffet, left and right.
Furthermore we thank you for the cabin related suggestions.