Incredible, Amazing and Worthwhile
durch Kim Fuchs
Abreise in March 2019
durch Kim Fuchs
Abreise in March 2019
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Polarkreis, Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Wandern an der Küste, Krabbenfresser, Buckelwal
A wonderful 11 day trip to the Antarctic Circle onboard the Plancius. There is nothing you can say about the physical beauty of the land and sea of Antarctica and the incredible wildlife that was encountered. It must be experienced first hand. The Expedition Staff were terrific, with their knowledge and passion for the continent, their general good humor and friendliness and accommodating nature. The small size of the ship with only 100 or so guests made the trip much more intimate and you felt that if anything was required your request would be granted and you would be treated with respect and care. The underway portions with the expedition guides' briefings were informative and well received. The shore excursions and the zodiac trips when shore landings were not possible were well done. A very well thought out plan was executed nicely every day based on the changing conditions and the varied personalities of the staff and passengers. The ship itself is nicely appointed and the hotel side of the operations were top notch as well. Staterooms were clean and comfortable. Meals were excellent with many options each day. The service staff were great. A must do adventure!!!
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