Our trip was so successful it felt as if we might be under some sort of spell of providential protection and luck. Every landing occurred in calm waters with favorable weather and abundant wildlife. We were able to view all eight species of Antarctic penguins, and for several, also observe their breeding and nesting behaviors and chicks. We saw five species of pinniped, many varieties of seabird, and whales too numerous to count. Besides the amazing wildlife we also visited places with such historical significance as to be practically mythological. And then there was the ice! From A68A, the iceberg the size of Switzerland, to deep blue ice sculptures or floes with Emperor Penguins, the ice was always magical. Our expedition team was unparalleled in their skill, knowledge, and constant good humor. Not only was this the trip of a lifetime, but it was the best trip it could possibly have been. Thanks to our captain who so masterfully navigated the ice, and the staff who were unwavering in their commitment to make this a memorable trip for every guest on the ship despite the diversity of language, background, and interests. I will carry the memories of this enchanted trip forever.


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