Dear fellow-travelers, My wife and I had the extreme prevelage to join countless Oceanwide expeditions during the last 20 years, resulting in thousands of new " free-off-costs" images for the Int. Imagebank of the WWF- headquarters in Switserland. No doubt this unforgatable expeditions to Svalbard ( 18 times) north-west Greenland, North east Greenland (dept. Svalbard towards the Frans Joseph Fjord) Scoresby Sund ( 3 times) Frans Joseph Archipel, Falklands ( 3 times) South Georgia ( 2 times) Weddellsea and the Antarctic peninsula ( 3 times) have changed my wife's and my life completely. Not only the breathtaking beauty become clear to us day after day, but also this planet's vulnarability. So, together, let's do our utmost best to save this world for the children of our children ! And many, many thanks to you, Oceanwide, to offer me your ever lasting helping hand ! I hope to see you again and again and look forward to be your silent guest once again. wim van passel


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