Your expedition guide can determine your experience, it is really sad. Need some improvement in order to attrack young people to this company
por Alvaro Cabello
Salida en June 2024
por Alvaro Cabello
Salida en June 2024
I cannot say that I dis not enjoy the experience as we visited some new places and the environment with other customers was very good. Food was also great. However I cannot say the same for one rude female guide who needs to improve her social skills. Her comments were not apropiated and she was ridiculously strict when approaching the animals. I was in her boat when we spotted the polar bear but she said we could not go closer as she had to be in the last posiition of the zodiac in order to check all the other were ok. It is extremely unfair betweeen the customers as we paid the same amount of money. This was really frustrating. Furthermore, there was not any kind of rotation between zodiacs, some of them half distance from the animals that us . We have been always 3-4 times further that legal distance to the animals. Protecting the animals is not only about distances. Photography options in the tour were 0. Even during the trekkings we had not time to take pictures as we were always in a hurry because a polar bear who find us....... I dont know why it is called expeditions as we did not focus in animals at all and the trekkings were very short and not for real artic experiences. In my view you have to improvefew things in order to attrack younger people to this cruises. For now, thats an experience for old a chinese people that may be impressed with anything.
¿Ha estado en alguno de nuestros viajes?
Deje su propia reseña8 may. - 15 may., 2025
•Código del viaje: RVR02-25
Este programa está diseñado para montañistas/esquiadores experimentados, que posean técnicas avanzadas de ascenso y descenso en terrenos alpinos con condiciones de nieve difíciles. Un día típico implica ascender a picos montañosos con una altura promedio...
de: 4000 USD
29 may. - 31 may., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS01-25
Busque avistamiento de ballenas, focas y aves marinas en un viaje panorámico desde nuestro puerto base en Vlissingen hasta la culturalmente rica Aberdeen, la "Ciudad de Granito" del noreste de Escocia. Delfines de pico blanco, marsopas, rorcuales aliblancos,...
de: 300 USD
29 may. - 16 jun., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS01c25
Navegando entre nuestro puerto base de Vlissingen y nuestro archipiélago ártico más preciado, Svalbard, esta aventura de expedición visita el puerto escocés de Aberdeen, las islas de Fair Isle y Jan Mayen, y el asombroso borde de hielo de Spitsbergen,...
de: 6000 USD
29 may. - 9 jun., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS01a25
Busque ballenas y otros animales árticos de tierra, mar y aire en un viaje lleno de aventuras desde nuestro puerto base de Vlissingen hasta nuestro grupo de islas árticas favoritas.
de: 3200 USD
31 may. - 9 jun., 2025
•Código del viaje: HDS01b25
Adéntrese en el Océano Ártico camino de Fair Isle y Jan Mayen, la primera conocida por sus tejidos de punto y la segunda por su agreste paisaje volcánico. Los avistamientos de fauna pueden incluir focas grises, diversas aves marinas y ballenas como la...
de: 4100 USD
Comentarios de Oceanwide Expeditions
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this valuable feedback about your recent voyage with us. Firstly, we want to clarify how much we value your feedback and comments regarding your experience. Please rest assured that your concerns have been addressed by our staffing department and discussed with those involved. We take these comments very seriously and expect all of our guests to have the opportunity to enjoy the same experience when traveling with us.
We are aware that, in this instance, polar bear viewing presented a challenge, owing to the bear's position and our legal duty to maintain a specified distance. While protecting wildlife is not just about distances, as you rightly say, we do have a legal and moral duty to conform to these distances, and at times, it may be necessary to maintain a greater distance than that which is legally specified to avoid unnecessary disturbance to wildlife.
Our hikes during landings cater to all abilities by the activities offered. However, safety must always be our first priority, especially when operating in polar bear territory. We have taken your comments on board and are currently assessing ways to identify areas of improvement.
Once again, we thank you for taking the time to reach out regarding your experience, and hope to welcome you back aboard one of our vessels in the future.