East Greenland, Scoresby Sund - Iceland , Aurora Borealis, Fly & Sail
Inicio - Fin
Código del viaje
Viaje de habla inglesa
Embarque / desembarque
Constable Pynt - Akureyri
Noches / Días
11 noches
All itineraries are for guidance only. Programs may vary depending on ice, weather, and wildlife conditions. Landings are subject to site availabilities, permissions, and environmental concerns per AECO regulations. Official sailing plans and landing slots are scheduled with AECO prior to the start of the season, but the expedition leader determines the final plan. Flexibility is paramount for expedition cruises, and willingness to compromise on comfort is a basic requirement on a historic sailing vessel. Important information about the use of sails: The vessel is equipped with sails to be used in good conditions (based on open sea, water depth, wind, and time allowance), but the use of sails is not guaranteed. The captain decides whether to use the sails or engine. If sails are used, the crew will operate them. Guests must follow the safety instructions of the team. The average cruising speed for s/v Rembrandt van Rijn is 6.5 knots.
Descripción breve
Sail through Earth’s largest fjord system on a historic three-masted vessel, getting the chance to encounter exotic Arctic wildlife like musk oxen and Arctic hares under the enchanting aurora borealis. Greenland whales may also appear between landing sites, where we will enjoy enormous icebergs, ancient Thule settlements, and scenic shoreline hikes.
Please note: End of trip
This trip concludes with a crossing of the Denmark Strait. Since Northern Atlantic weather can be rough in October, the captain will decide when to depart East Greenland to make for the most pleasant crossing.
Day 1: Push-off at Constable Pynt
You arrive by chartered plane from Keflavik and land at Constable Pynt, the airfield at the head of Hurry Inlet. This area is known for its remarkably rich geological history.
Day 2: Sailing among the glaciers
Enjoy the sights as we sail the glaciated Volquart Boons Coast. Here you may set out on a Zodiac cruise along one of the shoreline glacier fronts, with your first activity near Månegletcher or Vikingebugt.
Day 3: Inuit neighborhood of yesteryear
We sail by the east coast of Milne Land among a multitude of giant icebergs. If we can also land at Charcot Havn, we will make a walk to the Charcot Glacier before continuing by the Bjørneør and sail to Øfjord.
Day 4-7: Mountain-fringed fjord
Today marks a visit to the east entrance of one of the most impressive fjords in the world: Ø Fjord is almost 40 nautical miles long (74 km, 46 miles), with mountains on each side up to 2,000 meters high (6,562 feet), and icebergs that drift over depths of more than 1,000 meters (3,281 feet). The aim is to land at Jyttehavn and hike the tundra in mythic surroundings. We may also sail into Harefjord, Rypefjord, and Rödefjord, walking into C. Hoffmanhalvöya and on Storö. We will then land near Sydkap, where you can see colossal icebergs, some of them over 100 meters (328 feet) high and more than a kilometer long (.62 mile). Most of these bergs are grounded, as the fjord is only about 400 meters deep (1,312 feet). At Sakatajik we can also view the remains of Thule winter houses. As many as twenty people lived here once, hunting Greenland whales and building houses out of their vertebrae.
Day 8: The tundra of Jameson Land
At the western shores of Jameson Land lies a vast tundra with grazing musk oxen. We will try to make a landing on one of the areas, such as Tyskit Nunat, remembering Alfred Wegener’s efforts to cross Vandreblokken. We may also visit Kap Hooker or a lovely lagoon west of Kap Stewart.
Day 9: Settlement at Scoresbysund
Today’s stop is Ittoqqortoormiit, the largest settlement in Scoresbysund at about five hundred inhabitants. At the post office you can buy stamps for your postcards or just stroll around to see the sled dogs and drying skins of seals and musk oxen.
Day 10-11: Under the northern lights
If there is not too much cloud cover, you might enjoy the magical lightshow of the aurora borealis today.
Day 12: Journey’s end in Akureyri
We disembark in the Icelandic town of Akureyri, taking home memories that will accompany us wherever the next adventure lies. If requested, you can take a chartered bus (six-hour drive) to Reykjavik.
Los destacados que tal vez experimente
Una de las grandes atracciones del Ártico son las auroras boreales.

Una zona de Scoresby Sund donde confluyen la vida salvaje, un terreno sorprendente y la antigua cultura Thule

Pueden correr como el viento, ver todo lo que les rodea sin girar la cabeza y, a veces, comer animales en lugar de hojas, todo ello con este aspecto tan mono

Aunque son los más pequeños de los rorcuales comunes, estos mamíferos migratorios pueden emitir un grito tan fuerte como el despegue de un avión

Entre los pocos animales con pezuñas que sobrevivieron a la última glaciación, estas criaturas parecidas a las cabras tienen una capa de pelo que es una de las fibras naturales más cálidas del mundo

Estas sopranos cantarinas, las más grandes de su especie que habitan en el Ártico, lucen unos bigotes tan largos que les han dado su nombre

Son las focas más pobladas del Ártico y, aunque también las más pequeñas, son capaces de perforar capas de hielo más gruesas que su cuerpo

El Rembrandt van Rijn
Nuestro velero de 3 mástiles 'Rembrandt van Rijn' es muy adecuado para el crucero de expedición entre los fiordos de Groenlandia y Svalbard.
Información completa del buque »Cabinas & Precios
Triple Privada con Ojo de Buey
- 1 ojo de buey
- 1 Litera superior / inferior + 1 cama baja
- Ducha y baño privado
- Amplio espacio de almacenamiento
Cabina completa
18600 USD
Precio por la cabaña completa, totalmente ocupada.
Camarote compartido
6200 USD
Comparta su camarote con otros para obtener el mejor precio.
Doble privada interior
- 1 Litera superior / inferior
- Ducha y baño privado
- Amplio espacio de almacenamiento
Cabina completa
13200 USD
Precio por la cabaña completa, totalmente ocupada.
Cabina individual
11220 USD
Precio de la cabina completa ocupada por 1 persona (1.7 veces la tarifa compartida).
Camarote compartido
6600 USD
Comparta su camarote con otros para obtener el mejor precio.
Doble Privada con Ojo de Buey
- 1 Ojo de Buey
- 1 Litera superior / inferior
- Ducha y baño privado
- Amplio espacio de almacenamiento
Cabina completa
15000 USD
Precio por la cabaña completa, totalmente ocupada.
Cabina individual
12750 USD
Precio de la cabina completa ocupada por 1 persona (1.7 veces la tarifa compartida).
Camarote compartido
7500 USD
Comparta su camarote con otros para obtener el mejor precio.