A brilliant trip

von Lyn Williams

Departure in January 2024

This was a brilliant trip. Very much an expedition and not a cruise!

The expedition leader, Sara, was outstanding. Her commitment to this part of the world, and its inhabitants, was evident in all she did. She was determined to give the guests on the trip the best possible experience and to make every possible landing, zodiac cruise and wildlife watch as productive and informative as possible. An excellent role model.

The expedition crew were terrific. A highly skilled group of people with vast knowledge and an enthusiasm to share this. The quality of the lectures was excellent and the subject matter varied. The crew were approachable and friendly, with seemingly boundless energy.

The ship is very comfortable and the accommodation excellent. The food was of a very high standard and plentiful, with a wide choice of really interesting dished, with fresh fruit, bread and pastries available every day. The waiting staff were exceptional; very efficient and friendly. The experience of the delicious food was enhanced by their approach.

The wildlife and scenery were breathtaking. We saw 7 different penguin species, 4 types of seal, humpback and orca whales and a huge variety of sea birds. The icebergs were like works of art. The islands visited were all hugely interesting in different respects, some with a variety of flora, others with ice and snow. Sailing the ocean was a fabulous experience.

Thank you to all involved for this amazing trip.


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