
782 entradas de blog encontradas






PLA09-22, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of Polar Bear & Ice

The black mines and muddy hangars of Longyearbyen are certainly not quite as charming as the colorful traditional houses of Oslo, but the ci

Insider’s Expedition: Interview with Toto Vermue

As part of our reservations department, one of Toto’s responsibilities is helping book our guests on the many Antarctic and Arctic cruises w

HDS07-22, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of Polar Bear & Ice

Shortly afterwards everyone attended the last of our mandatory briefings; this one was regarding zodiac operations, which would come in usef

World’s Best Expedition Cruise Line 2022

It is with great delight that we announce we have been nominated for World’s Best Expedition Cruise Line at the second annual World Cruise A

PLA07-22, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of Polar Bear & Ice

Many of the guest arrived at Longyearbyen on the day of embarkation. Throughout the morning the wind started to pick up but regardless of th

OTL07-22, trip log, Around Spitsbergen, In the realm of Polar Bear & Ice - Birding

The pull of the Arctic; its varied landscapes, history, the fascination of ice, flora and fauna plagued by a harsh climate, the anticipation

PLA06-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of Polar Bear & Pack Ice

Many of the guest arrived at Longyearbyen on the day of embarkation. The morning started with drizzle and thick fog. We must wait for our re

OTL06-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen - Basecamp, Free kayaking, hiking, photo worksh

The Ortelius lays at the old Coal pier close to the airport. The Expedition Team is spread out at several locations throughout town to await

HDS05-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen - Bowhead Whales & Polar Bears in the sea ice –

The Expedition Team were on standby for 5:45 am, zodiacs were lowered, and the staff made their way to meet and greet guests whilst Hondius

PLA05-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of Polar Bear & Pack Ice

Once on board the evening went by quickly as we were busy with familiarisations, safety briefings, cocktails with Captain Torry Sakkariassen

OTL05-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen - Basecamp - Summer Solstice, Free kayaking, hi

After a long-awaited departure (a few years for some of us) we finally land in Longyearbyen, the largest settlement in the Arctic Archipelag

HDS04-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of Polar Bear & Pack Ice Summer Sols

After a wonderful buffet dinner prepared by the galley staff it was time for the third and final briefing of the evening, a video presentati

PLA04-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of Polar Bear & Pack Ice Summer Sols

Once on board the evening went by quickly as we were busy with familiarisations, safety briefings, cocktails with Captain Torry Sakkariassen

HDS03-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, In search of Polar Bear & Pack Ice Arc of Meri

With guests and their luggage happily aboard Expedition Leader (EL) Eduardo, and Chief Officer Matei commenced the mandatory ship safety bri

Trip log, OTL04-22, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear and pack ice

After long flights we arrive finally on the archipelago of Svalbard. Longyearbyen, the biggest settlement is located on the biggest island c

Trip log, PLA03-22, North Spitsbergen, In search of polar bear and pack ice

The guests arrive in the late afternoon and when everyone has unpacked and settled it is time for the very important safety drill and rescue

Oceanwide participates in fourth annual Cleanup for Sarah

During Cleanup for Sarah, we encourage our staff and followers on social media to join us in removing litter from nature areas. These effort

Book Recommendations for Your Polar Cruise

We’ve reached out to our followers on social media, most of whom are former (or future) passengers, to find out what polar-related books the

HDS02-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen In search of the Polar Bear & Pack Ice - Birdin

What a beautiful day to begin our Arctic adventure; cloudless blue sky, bright sunshine and calm waters. Perfect! The Expedition Team lifted

HDS01-22, trip log, North Spitsbergen, Arctic Spring - Hiking Special

We awoke to our first full day on board to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and an even more leisurely cruise down the fjord to the Lilliehöökbre

HDSX22, trip log, Arctic Ocean Expedition, Aberdeen - Fair Isle - Jan Mayen - Ice edg

A great start to our trip: the sun was shining; guests were smiling and Oceanwide Expeditions staff were thrilled to be welcoming the eager
